Final Exams!!!

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3rd Person Teachers POV:

"Hello everyone and thank you for coming to this meeting" Nezu says addressing the other teachers in the room.  "Why are we here?" Aizawa says before letting out a long sigh.  "As you are all aware the end of the year is coming Up and we need to discuss the final exams." the small principal says pulling Up the student's files onto the screen behind him.  

"As you know the students will be paired up and tasked to go against a selected teacher to either capture them or make it out of the selected area." Nezu continues as he opens class 1-A's files specifically.  "As you can see Aizawa has already done most of the work aside from a few specific students so I was hoping to see if he made any progress and possibly get some extra input from others." the small rat says as attention is moved to the tired looking teacher who is mid sip of his coffee.

"Well most of the pairs were easy to make but there are a few that I'm having trouble deciding on.  For example I was thinking of pairing Eijiro Kirishima and Rikido Sato against Cementoss.  Both their quirks are strength based and I want to see how they do against someone who is able to create as many obsticles as needed." Aizawa says as the two students pictures are paired up. The other teachers quickly nod and throw in their input.  

"Then there is the problem of Izuku Midoriya, He is the biggest problem" Aizawa says before getting cut off.  "Clearly not Aizawa, put him with Kyoka Jiro, her quirk will limit the use of his music" Vlad says simply closing the file in front of him.

"That's the problem though,  He has excellent control of his quirk which includes control over sound waves.  He can get around that obstacle quickly. Then I was thinking of putting him with someone who he doesn't get along with but he is friends with most of the class and has some sort of working bong with the others.  He also takes his roll as class president very seriously which has made others put a large amount of trust in him." Aizawa says addressing the others in the room.

"Well I am curious.  Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugohave been friends for years and even trained together.  I would like to see their teamwork in action more, so what if we team them up and put them against someone like All Might to see how they overcome going against someone clearly stronger. What do you think All Might?" Nezu asks sipping his tea.  "That would be entertaining to watch" Present Mic says leaning forward.  "I think that is a wonderful Idea.  It is important to be able to improvise and come up with other ideas" All might says in his small might form. "Well then it's settled.  That's all for class 1-A so lets move on to class 1-B" Nezu says as the view on the screen changes to the next class.

---Time skip the next day---

3rd Person POV:

Class 1-A can be seen in the classroom talking amongst themselves.  Amongst those groups is Izuku along with Katsuki, Eijiro, Mina, Uraraka, and Aiko.  Over the course of the first year other students have taken after their class president getting into relationships.  Amongst these relationships there are the obvious like Mina and Eijiro, Katsuki and Uraraka, Todoroki and Momo, and others like Kaminari and Jiro.  The conversation was continuing until Izuku stood up.  "All right everyone, Class is about to start so lets settle down and get seated before Aizawa-sensei arrives" he says to the class as everyone makes their way to their seats.  

The bell then rings and Aizawa flings the door open.  "All right, quiet down and-" he starts only to stop himself when he sees everyone seated and quiet.  "Good, now we have a lot to discuss.  As you know the end of the year is coming up and with that means final exams.  We will go over this further later but I also have to announce that we are going on a trip this summer to train your quirks more" the teacher says making everyone get excited.  

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