Sports Festival & Revealed Identity

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Aiko's POV:

It was the morning of the sports festival and I was lying awake in bed.  I've been awake for about a half an hour now when I was brought out of my thoughts by my phone going off.  I roll over and grab my phone off the charger to see that Izu texted me.  

Text Conversation

Cute Fox:  Good morning beautiful.  I had to head to the festival early to prepare my speech.  I left you some breakfast in the fridge, see you later 💖

Surfer Girl:  Aww Thank you!!!! 🥰 Good luck with the speech.  I know you'll do great.

Cute Fox: Thank you!!! What would I do without you?!?!?!

Surfer Girl: Go crazy because you can't get milkshakes 😂

Cute Fox: Wow okay. call me out why don't you

I chuckle as I place my phone back on the bedside table.  Starting my morning routine, I quickly get dressed after my shower and head down to the common room to find mostly everyone there.  I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge to find a plate of blueberry pancakes with a note on the top. I take the plate out and read the note as the pancakes are heating up in the microwave.

'Good morning, Aiko,

I made your favorite, blueberry pancakes.  Hope you enjoy.  Good luck at the sports festival.

-your cute fox '

"Aww, isn't that cute" I hear mina say from behind me.  I turn to face her and sure enough she read the note over my shoulder.  I then see Uraraka, Momo, and Hagakure right next to her all smiling.  "Where is Midoriya?" Momo asks while making herself some tea.  

"He had to go to the festival early" I say getting a nod in response.  "Wait him too? Bakugo also had to go early, Mina said Kirishima did too." Uraraka says tilting her head to the side.  We all continued our conversation for a while before Iida walks in and says "Everyone we should get ready; we don't want to be late for the sports festival" before running off to the others.

Izuku's POV:

Kat, Eijiro and I were heading through the halls of the stadium talking about the song we are gonna play.  I'm lucky they agreed to help me because I couldn't really trust anyone else.  We were passing a hallway when I hear our classmates making their way into the 1-A locker room.  Before we could continue, I felt a cold hand on my shoulder casing a shiver to go down my spine.  Twirling around I am face to face with Todoroki.  "Midoriya, you're pretty strong but I just wanted to tell you that I'm stronger than you and I will win this" he says in a monotone voice.  I wasn't sure how to respond but as if on instinct I push his hand off my shoulder and narrow my eyes at him.  "Woah man, making a declaration of war like that out of nowhere is super unmanly" Eijiro says trying to ease the tension in the air.  

"No Eijiro, it fine" I say before turning back to the duel haired boy and say "Bring it on, I welcome the challenge" in a low tone.  He simply huffs then turns and leaves.  We soon make our way on stage behind the curtain and set up our equipment.  After we set up and decide what song we are going to play I put on my hat and mask to hide my face and ears, then I tuck my tails into my shirt and pants to hide those as to not reveal myself too soon.  

No one outside of 1-A would be able to tell who I was if I didn't hide my tail and ears but I wanted to make sure.  Midnight soon came into the curtain and said "Are you boys ready? We're starting soon" getting a nod and thumbs up from the 3 of us.  She then walks out and starts the festival

"Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the UA Sports Festival, I'm Present Mic your commentator along with Class 1-A's teacher Aizawa!" Present Mic says through the intercom getting a cheer as a response.  "Now please welcome the classes of the First Year starting with class 1-A."  Another cheer rings out before he moves onto the rest of the classes, the crowd getting more excited as he introduces them.  "Now for this year's Ref, Midnight" He yells over the intercom before a ton of whooping and hollering sounded through the large area.  "Now Now, settle down boys" she says into the mic as the crowd settles down.  "Before we get to the Opening speech brought to you by the class rep, we are happy to welcome a very special guest.  Here to bring you some entertainment is the musician Kitsune" she says getting loud cheers in response.  I nod to Kat and Eijiro and we start the song.  

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