Courtesy Call, Izuku Vs. Muscular

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Last time:

The students were rewarded with a test of courage for all their hard work.  Not long after it started and the students had been paired up and sent out an attack on the camp started.  With half the class separated the pro heroes in charge of the camp have to keep the kids safe.  Pixie-bob however was incapacitated quickly leaving Mandalay and Tiger to protect the students.

This Time:

With Kota as the attack started

Kota can be seen up on the cliff he calls 'his secret hideout' overlooking the forest.  'Trust me Kota It will happen. You'll meet someone and you'll finally understand why we do what we do.  someone who will risk their life and put others first.  Someone who will be-' Mandalay's voice can be heard in his head as he thinks back on their prior conversation.  "No one like that really exists" he says bitterly before looking up and noticing the blue flames spreading through the forest.  Standing he looks out only for a cloaked figure to come from behind a large boulder.  

With the heroes and students

"Oh no! Pixie-bob!" Izuku yells as he rushes forward only to be stopped by Tiger.  "This is bad" Mandalay says from the side drawing Izuku's attention "Oh no, where's Kota!" he says looking around for the small boy.  

With Aizawa

Aizawa can be seen walking back to the buildings with Mina, Sero, Sato, Kaminari, and Eijiro all in tow behind him.  "Aww, we wanted the chance to face off with all the others" Mina Whines.  "I thought Pixie-bob said we'd be getting a reward" Eijiro whines.  "This is more like torture. We want our treat Mr. Aizawa!" Denki says agreeing with the others. "Do you want me to tighten your bindings?" He asks pulling the capture gear slightly.  Once at the building used for the remedial lessons they walk towards the classroom.  

"For tonight's lessons We'll be talking about how to behave in an emergency. If you don't become aware that you're falling behind your classmates the gap will keep widening.  In a sense this information is your reward. How's that for a treat?" Aizawa asks Rhetorically.  "Oh strange, now who do we have here? Five members of class 1-A bombed the exams and look there's only one member of class 1-B! You must be so embarrassed" Monama says as Aizawa opens the door.  "You failed too Idiot!" Kaminari yells as they all take their seats.  "So, Vlad, why don't we start with practice maneuvers" Aizawa says addressing the other class's teacher.  "I was thinking the same thing. Why don't we pair them up-" Vlad starts only to be cut off by Mandalay's telepathy quirk.   

"Everyone!" Mandalay's voice rings through their heads.  "It's Mandalay's telepathy" Eijiro says looking up slightly.  "So weird right? it's giving me chills" Mina says hugging herself.  "It's kind of annoying that it only works in one direction though" Kaminari says.  "Stop talking" Aizawa commands trying to listen for the information being provided.  "Two villains attacked us. It's possible that there are more coming.  Return to camp immediately, do not engage any enemies" Mandalay says through the link to all the students and other teachers.  "Vlad, I'll go look for the other students. Protect them!" Aizawa says running out of the room and down the hall.  'If it's a full-scale attack' Aizawa thinks as he exits the building to see the blue fire in the trees.  'we're in big trouble' he finishes his thought.

"Looks like your concern has you distracted Eraser" The scarred fire using villain named Dabi says holding his hand up.  "Vlad!" Aizawa yells as blue flames erupt from the villain's hand.  "You pro's better lay off, we haven't come here for any of you so stay out of our way" Dabi growls out.

With Izuku, Mandalay and the others

"How are you this evening UA High school! We are part of the Vanguard action squad of the league of villains!" The lizard villain yells out.  "The league of villains, what are those guys doing here?" Ojiro asks from next to Izuku.  "I could crush this kitties head so easily. How about it dear should I?" the villain with the clothed object asks as said object rests on Pixie-bobs bleeding head. "You get away from her!" Tiger yells out stepping forward.  "Now, now! Hold on Big sis Mag. You too Tiger, calm down! We're deciding if someone should live or die, we must be careful that we're abiding by stains principals" the lizard yells.  "Stain!" Izuku growls out.  "So, you're the one's he ended up inspiring" Iida says raising a clenched fist.  "At your service, that's us.  And you, four eyes I believe I recognize you! You're one of the self-righteous brats who attacked Stain in Hosu city" the villain says dramatically.  "Let me introduce myself! Call me Spinner! I am here to make stain's dream a reality!" Spinner says as he unwraps a ton of blades all bound together.

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