Provisional licenses

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The picture above is not Mine.  I found it on the internet and it is owned by the original artist. 

This chapter will be shorter than the others.  Since Izuku already got his provisional license he won't need to take the exam. I also feel I wouldn't do a good enough job typing it out to make a good story.  I'm sorry if it's not what you were expecting but I hope you enjoy anyways


Izuku's POV:

It had been a week since I was admitted to the hospital and thanks to the frequent visits of Recovery Girl, I was finally able to be released. I was walking out of the front entrance as I was instantly overwhelmed. My arm was still in a sling to prevent excessive movements of my shoulder where one of the tendrils punctured my body.

I was blinded from all the cameras pointed my way as the paparazzi snapped pictures. The sound of reporters yelling out questions for me was deafening. Aizawa-sensei led me to the car that was set to bring me back to the school. "Can we stop somewhere on the way?" I ask as he nods. Giving him the address, we pull away from the curb.

It was silent in the car as we listened to some soft music. Tapping my fingers and humming along to the music put me at ease. "We're here" Aizawa says snapping me out of my thoughts. A smile spread across my face as I step out of the car.

Making my way through the door a bell jingles and all heads turn our way. "Hey, it's been a while" I say while rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. "Been a- BEEN A WHILE?!" Naomi yells as she stomps her way over to me from behind the counter. Naomi had never been a tall woman only coming up to around my shoulders but man was she scary. Smacking me on the head she pulls me into a tight hug. "You idiot. First you stop coming around because of those stupid dorms then you go and get injured like this" she says releasing me from the hug.

"Get over here and sit your ass down. Also, who's the guy you came in with?" She asks gesturing to Aizawa. "Oh, this is my teacher at UA. He's giving me a ride back to the school from the hospital. "It's a pleasure, Midoriya speaks very highly of this place" he says bowing slightly.

After a short conversation and some milkshakes to go we are finally on our way to UA. Once there we make our way through the halls as I hold a tray of drinks and Aizawa holds the other since my arm is still in the sling. Those we passed in the hall all turn and watch, whispering to each other as we pass. Of course, I heard everything but I chose to ignore it.

Opening the door to class 1-a I step through as all conversation halts. "Hope you all weren't having too much fun without me" I say with a grin on my face. "All at once I was surrounded by my classmates. looking at the faces around me one by one I'm reminded of all the good memories that I've made with these people. I couldn't help but let my smile widen. "It's good to be back" I say absentminded. "Good to have you back bro" Kaminari says matching my grin as they all agree.

"All Right, get to your seats" Aizawa says as we all disperse. "So just a quick recap now that Midoriya is back. in two days, you will all be taking the provisional hero licensing exam. This exam will not be easy and will take everything you've learned so far. These last two days you will be allowed to train your quirks however you like, don't waste time or slack off." the teacher says as everyone gets pumped up.

3rd Person POV:

The day of the exam came quick with everyone training as hard as they can. Getting off the bus at the testing facility they all huddle around. The other students there notice and start to whisper after noticing Izuku. "All right class, other students from other schools are here as well. Let's head inside and suit up." Aizawa instructs.

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