An angel with white hair

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Hey everyone Before this chapter starts I wanted to address something. Obviously you can skip this and go straight to the chapter but it's kind of important.  

I want to start by saying that everyone has been super supportive and I am truly grateful.  I'm still new to writing and know that I've messed up in some places or the pacing has just kind of been off a little.  

Up until now the average word count for chapters has been around 5-6 thousand with the exception of a few. While I really Like the concept of this book I don't think I have enough experience to really do it justice.  The chapters from this point on will probably be around half what they were in previous chapters because I'm struggling to work out how I want things to play out and change.

Like I said I really appreciate all the support I've been getting. If you wish to see how I improve in the future and even read some of my future books then please feel free to follow me.  I already have a few other books in the works.

I'm also trying a slightly different writing style.  Nothing too drastic, just shorter paragraphs.  i feel they're easier to digest and keep track of that way.


Izuku's POV:

The next day at school seemed to be pretty normal.  "So why did Togata-senpai want to meet?" Mina asked as she sat on one of the desks.  "He actually took me to meet Sir Nighteye, the pro he does his work studies with. Apparently Nighteye wanted to meet me and asked me to come to his agency for my work studies" I replied with a shrug.  "Really babe, that's great" Aiko says with her usual troublemaker grin.  

"You got that right,  I got to meet Fatgum who accepted me for my work studies" Eijiro says from his spot next to Mina.  "Damn it, you're all getting these fucking opportunities assholes" Kat says crossing his arms.  We all exchanged glances before turning to Ochako for an explanation.  

She just let out a sigh as she snaked her arms over his shoulders pecking him on the cheek.  "He's upset that Aiko, Tsu and I all got accepted by Ryukyu and he hasn't found a place yet" the brown-haired girl explains.  "Well I'm sure you'll find somewhere to go" I said patting his back.  "Whatever" he scoffs though we could all tell it was good-natured.

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly.  We had English with Present Mic for the final class of the day.  Once the bell rang we all quickly packed up and made out way through the hall.  Once outside and on the way back to the dorms the work studies students, myself included all spit off.  

I met up with Mirio at the station as we quickly boarded.  One thing that Sir was all about was punctuality and thanks to Aizawa-sensei I was pretty good with that.  "So what do you think Sir wanted to talk to us about today" Mirio asked as we made our way to the conference room.  "I'm not sure, maybe just patrol routes.  Wait, do you think he has a mission for us?" I ask with a gasp.  "Oh boy! That would be so cool" Mirio says with his ever present smile.

Walking into the conference room we quickly notice his sidekicks Bubble girl and Centipeder.  "Good afternoon Sir, I hope we can start this meeting on a ~High Note~" I sung out in the highest note I could hit.  This earned a chuckle from his sidekicks and a smile from the pro himself.  Mirio had a smile of his own and held a thumbs up. 

"All right, now that everyone is here we can begin.  Lately we've been watching an underground group of Yakuza call the Hassaikai group.  They've been supplying drugs to the local criminal along with some quirk enhancers" He says tapping some buttons on his laptop bringing up some pictures of what I can assume are the members of the group.

The musical Fox hero: KitsuneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz