We didn't start the fire

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Last Time:

Class 1-A left the dorms and made their way to the summer training camp.  At the forest rest stop they were flung into the beasts forest and were tasked with getting to the camp while pixie-bob used her quirk to create enemies to fight.  Once there they met a young boy who hates heroes (And punched Izuku in the willy).  After dinner said boy fell from the wall dividing the boys and girls hot springs since he was told to watch out for anyone trying to peak on the other side.  Izuku catches him and brings him to Mandalay where he learns more about the Boys life and why he hates heroes.

This time:

It's now the next morning and after a quick breakfast all of class 1-A is standing in front of Aizawa.  He takes note that Izuku looks pretty fidgety and makes a mental note to ask him what's wrong.  "All right class, welcome to the second day of the training camp.  While here we're going to be training your quirks along with your bodies" Aizawa says as all the students stiffen.  "At the beginning of the year we had the quirk apprehension test to allow me to get a proper read on how well you used your quirks.  Bakugou come and throw this ball" Aizawa says tossing him a baseball.  Stepping up Katsuki smirks before pulling his arm back and launching the ball into the forest with a large explosion.  "Go to hell!" he yells as the ball soars though the air leaving a trail of smoke behind it.  The device in Aizawas' hand beeps and he turns it to see that it reads 853.2 (His score at the beginning of the year was 835.7).  "Woah, his distance didn't really increase that much" Kaminari says.   "Over the year we mostly trained you physically, with sparring sessions and exercises.  While here we will be pushing your quirks to the limit so get ready." Aizawa says.

The class is then split up and given specific things to train their quirks.  Katsuki is tasked with plunging his arms into hot water to expand his sweat glands before letting of giant explosions above him.  Todoroki is tasked with sitting in water before switching between using his fire and Ice to help his body with regulating temperature.  Momo and Sato are tasked with eating a large amount of Sugar.  While doing this Momo had to create things with her quirk since it uses the lipids in her body.  Sato all the while is training how much sugar his body can handle before it starts affecting his thinking.  Mina is tasked with continuously making acid to help lessen the irritation to her skin. Ojiro and Eijiro are tasked with sparring, Ojiro using his tail while Eijiro uses his hardening.   Iida is told to run for as long as he can as fast as he can to help improve his speed and stamina.  the others are all told to do stuff like this all day.  

"All right problem child, what's going on your fidgeting a lot?" Aizawa asks making said boy jump. "I can't shake this feeling that something's going to happen. Just like with the USJ, my instincts are screaming that there's danger" Izuku says playing with one of his tails to try and calm down.  "All right, I'll keep a look out for anything but for now focus on training. Today we're going to work on how many people you can boost at a time.  you said your limit is six right now so I want you to pick people you don't usually boost and try to keep adding more people from there" Aizawa says to Izuku.  "Right! I'll give it my all!" he yells as he grabs his guitar.  And just like that the class went through what they considered the first day of hell.

---Time skip to dinner---

Shortly after Class 1-A started their training class 1-B arrived and were sent to train.  They were now tasked with making dinner.  Having split up the responsibilities they set off to work.  "Hey, Todoroki can you light the fire for us?" Mina asks over her shoulder.  "Yah, give me a second" he says finishing his task.  "Woah Katsuki, you're really good with that knife" Ochako says watching him fly through cutting the veggies.  "Hell yah I am!" he shouts proud of his abilities.  "Are you kidding, the guys like our very own Gordon Ramsey, attitude and everything" Izuku says making some of the others laugh.  "Laugh it up asshole" Katsuki says to Izuku with a light-hearted glare.  And just like that the preparation for dinner was under way with conversation and jokes to pass the time.  

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