Sports Festival Finale

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Aiko's POV:

We were told we had a slight break so they could repair the ring so now we are rushing through the halls to visit Izu.  We make it to the Infirmary and hear screaming from inside and before we know it Bakugou blasted the door open.  "Dude, chill" Kirishima says while restraining Bakugou. Mina, Uraraka, and I pass them to walk into the room to see Izu getting hit over the head with Recovery Girls cane.  "Ow, Ow, please stop!" Izu yells only to receive more smacks on the head.  "Are you insane?! You're lucky I was able to heal you because you alone had a fractured wrist and multiple other injuries.  Not to mention the damage you did to the other boy" Recovery Girl yells as she steps away to go check on Todoroki.

I rush up to Izu and wrap him in a tight hug "you did so so good" I say pulling him in closer.  "Damn Izuku, you went pretty hard out there huh?" Kirishima asked getting a laugh in response.  "Heh, I liked when he called Endeavor a burning pile of trash" Katsuki says earning a laugh.  Then from behind the closed curtain Todoroki joins in saying "I also enjoyed that part.  Thank you Midoriya, for everything" with more emotion than I think he has ever shown.

"Will the next competitors please make your way to the stage" Present Mics voice can be heard through the stadium.  "Well, that's me, wish me luck" I say giving Izu a quick kiss before making my way to the door.  "I would wish you luck but I know you're gonna kick butt out there" Izu says as Recovery girl walks back over.  "You can go back to the viewing area now.  You're completely healed" she says 

3rd Person POV:

Aiko makes her way to the stage as Present Mic Introduces her to the crowd getting cheers.  He then introduces Shiozaki as her opponent as both girls make their way to the middle separated by about ten feet.   Izuku and the gang make their way back to the viewing area just in time before the match starts.

As soon as Midnight begins the match Aiko freezes the ground and begins skating around throwing ice shards at Shiozaki.   Shiozaki uses her vines to catch the ice shards and crush them but is mostly sticking to defense making sure not to be hit by any of the shards.  

"So Izuku, who do you think will win?" Eijiro asks the green haired boy.  "As things stand now, Aiko.  Shiozaki is too focused on the shards to notice the ice staring to creep her way" the boy replies getting a few nods from his class mates.  "You're just saying that because she's your girlfriend" Katsuki scoffs getting a smack from Uraraka.  "No, I'm saying that because she is smart and strong.  Also, she will kick my ass in the next round if I don't" izuku replies earning a giggle from Mina and Uraraka. 

Back in the fight we see Shiozaki's vines are starting to slow down as they freeze over.  Aiko takes the opportunity to rush forward and land a solid punch to the vine users stomach causing said girls to stumble and fall backwards.  Taking this chance Aiko controls the water around the girl's waist and pushes her out of the ring earning the win.

"Would you look at that, folks.  Shiozaki did well but the level of control and concentration shown by Shinobu was incredible" Present Mic says as the crowd goes crazy.  Aiko walks up to Shiozaki and offers a hand to help her up.  "You fought well" Aiko says as the other girl takes the offered hand.  

Next up it was Tokoyami vs. Ashido and both made their way towards the ring.  The match began and instantly Dark shadow rushes forward dodging the acid Ashido is throwing.  He lands a heavy blow causing the pink skinned girl to slide back before falling out of bounds earning Tokoyami the win.

The next fight was Katsuki vs. Eijiro and it started off with a bang.... Literally. Katsuki launched forward with his explosions landing blow after blow on a hardened Eijiro doing minimal damage.  Eijiro then throws a left hook catching Katsuki in the jaw causing him to stumble before looking to the side and spitting out a little blood while grinning wildly.  

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