Is This Goodbye?

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Izuku's POV:

I wasn't sure where I was which is never a good feeling, especially when you're surrounded by complete darkness. the darkness around me wasn't just like a room with the lights turned off. No, it was like any traces of light had been swallowed up by the inky blackness around me. I wasn't even sure if my eyes were open or not. 

 I tried reaching out to reach out to try and find anything but my body wasn't responding, in fact I couldn't feel anything. I could see something however, myself. There I was just floating in the darkness eyes open, but how was I able to see my body? It was weird however because I was numb all over, just a tingling sensation spreading across my body.

I wanted to run, scream, curl in on myself but my body just would not listen. My mind was racing and I know that I should be freaked out but I just wasn't. Where was Zen? why can't I move? Where am I? All these thoughts were running around in my head waiting for an answer. One however dominated all the others forcing its way to the front of my mind. "What happened" I wondered as those exact words echoed through the empty nothingness.

That's when the memories started flooding back in an instant. I was fighting the League of Villains after Kat and the others got away. Once I defeated them, I helped All Might fight the number one villain, All for One. We had won and Aiko along with the others showed up to make sure I was okay. I was making my way towards them when I suddenly felt a pain shoot through my body. Looking down I remembered seeing three of All for One's metallic tendril things stabbing through my body. One was in shoulder, another through my stomach and the third right next to where my heart is.

'So that's what happened but what next? what is happening right now, am I dead? How much time has even passed since all that happened?' I question myself all of this silently, not like I'd be able to make noise anyways. So, I just float there feeling weightless and heavy all at the same time. As if I'm underwater, on land, and floating in space simultaneously.

3rd Person POV:

All while Izuku is in the empty void contemplating in the outside world he is being loaded into an ambulance strapped down to a gurney on his side with the broken off tendrils still penetrating his upper body. Off to the side Aiko is in hysterics being comforted by her friends and classmates. Aizawa had shown up not too long ago to bring them back to UA however Aiko, Katsuki, and Eijiro all wanted to go to the hospital and wait for news on Izuku. Aizawa agrees and the three load into a police cruiser to be brought there while their teacher brings the other three students back to the dorms.

Upon arriving at the hospital, they are guided to the waiting room near the operating room Izuku is in. after about twenty minutes Inko Midoriya rushes into the waiting room to be met by Izuku's two best friends and his girlfriend. Inko isn't in any better of a state than Aiko with tears streaming down her face barely able to speak through ragged breaths. A doctor comes over soon to speak with the distraught woman and hopefully calm them down a little. Outside the hospital hordes of reporters are standing there hoping to get any news on the online musician turned hero-in-training.

Aizawa approaches the hospital with Mina and Ochako who insisted on being there for not only their best friend and boyfriends but also Izuku. As they approach, they are met with reporters shoving cameras and microphones in their faces. The two young girls were already in a shaky state on the verge of tears, having watched the whole thing live including the part where Izuku was injured. Having all these cameras shoved in their face and questions being thrown at them from all angles doesn't help as tears start sliding down their faces.

Say what you want about Aizawa, be it that he is cold, or distant, sometimes even rude, mean, and blunt. The one thing you can't say however is that he doesn't care about his students. 

The musical Fox hero: KitsuneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz