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Last Time:

The attack on the training camp has stopped since the villains managed to capture Izuku and Katsuki.  With the villains gone and two students captured the reinforcements, Ambulances, and Fire fighters arrived.  The students that were in the classroom at the time look on as their classmates and friends get loaded into ambulances to be transported to the hospital or questioned by the police.  

This Time

Izuku's POV:

Kat and I had just been pulled through the portal when I see him struggling as the villains try to put a cloth over his face. He was yelling and shouting but I couldn't focus on the world around me as black spots invade my vision. I can only assume to knock him out with some sort of drug but I was too exhausted to stay awake.  The adrenaline finally wearing off and everything fades to black.  The last thing I remember seeing was Kat's worried face as we made eye contact.

The next thing I know I feel like I'm falling, it felt like I was going in slow motion though.  Finally, I splash down into some water and open my eyes.  I'm floating on the top of the water of the ocean that used to be a lake in my mindscape looking up at the star lit sky.  Looking to my left I see Zenko in his human form standing on the shore of the beach looking out at me.  A small green bonfire is blazing behind him under a cherry blossom tree.  Off to the right is a beach house that wasn't there before.  It also seems like the valley itself has morphed in a way.  None of the lush green hills are in the same spot and there seem to be more trees than there were before.  There was now a cliff to the right overlooking the large expanse of water.

I swim my way to the shore and drag myself out of the water but I was completely dry.  "Hey kid, how you feeling?" Zen asks.  "I... I feel tired and my arms and legs feel like they're about to fall off" I tell him sitting next to the fire on a large piece of drift wood.  Instantly the warmth of the fire washes over me and I'm not as tired or sore as I was before.  I look around at my surroundings.  "Why is it so different?" I ask my fox friend.  "This place is a representation of your mindscape, it changes as you grow, form bonds and interact with the world" he says as I nod.  

Looking up at the cherry blossom tree above me I notice the pink leaves drifting softly around us.  Even though there is a thin layer of the pink leaves on the ground more seem to be falling from nowhere as the tree is still healthy and in bloom.  I don't know why but the leaves and the fire.  The gentle waves lapping at the shore of the ocean if I concentrated hard enough, I could even hear the chirps of birds and other animals in the area. There was even some soft Lo-fi jazz music playing from what seemed like the sky.  "I know I should be worried, having just been captured with who is essentially my brother but I just can't find myself to feel that way" I said with slight concern about being so relaxed.  "That is the effect of being here in this setting.  Time here moves differently so about a day out there would probably be a week or so in here.  Subconsciously your mind realizes this so while you are in crisis out there in here you have time to relax and regain your energy" Zen says.

"Good to know. Thank god you're here to explain this to me because I would be so lost otherwise" I say as we share a good laugh.  We soon fell into a comfortable silence as we watch the fire in front of us blaze.  Occasionally a cherry blossom petal would drift towards the fire and be caught in the updraft as they would drift peacefully back into the air.  I wasn't sure how long we've been sitting here but one thing would not stop bouncing around in my brain.  "Hey, Zen?" I ask as he makes a "hmm?" noise as if telling me to continue.  "What's going to happen now?" I ask as I continue to watch the green fire dance.  Every once and a while there would be little wisps of black flames in it but they would disappear just as quick.  Zen didn't answer, only letting out a little sigh.  He raised his hand lazily and flicks it to the right.  As he does this several small round balls of green fire drift upward and suddenly, they open their black eyes.  A few of them start drifting around aimlessly as a few starts to spin and flip.  One even nuzzles against my cheek making me laugh half-heartedly.

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