Working with Mic

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3rd Person POV:

We currently see the class at the train station, while some of them didn't get offers they were all there to see the others off.  Izuku doing his field work with Present Mic wasn't getting on a train but is doing his duty as a friend and class president making sure his classmates are on their way.  Seeing Iida walk off he quickly catches up to talk to him.  "Hey Iida wait up" Izuku calls as he jogs up to the boy.  "Oh, what can I do for you Midoriya" the taller teen says turning to face Izuku.  "I'm worried about you man,  you've been kind of off since the stain incident and I don't want you to do anything stupid" the greenette says.  "Do not worry, I will come back safely" Iida says turning around however when he turns around his face contorts in anger.  

Soon everyone was boarded on their respective trains and the left over students start to make their way back to school.  "Well class, lets head back.  I have an interview with Present Mic to kick of the field training" Izuku says as they load onto the school bus.  small talk could be heard across the bus as Aizawa can be seen at the front in his sleeping bag.  Once back at the dorms Izuku heads back to his room to prep for the live interview.

Now that he was dressed an ready for his interview with Present Mic Izuku heads out of his room and down to the common area of the dorms where the remaining students were all sitting around talking

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Now that he was dressed an ready for his interview with Present Mic Izuku heads out of his room and down to the common area of the dorms where the remaining students were all sitting around talking.  "Hey Midoriya, you heading to the Interview?" Kaminari asks getting everyone's attention.  "Yep, Can't wait. Although I'm a little nervous. It's the first live event I've done since revealing I'm Kitsune" the greenette replies.  "Nah dude, you'll do great, we'll be listening as your support" Sero says giving his signature grin.  Saying goodbye to his classmates he heads out to meet Present Mic in front of the school entrance.  

Walking up to the door and getting his teachers attention they exchange pleasantries.  "So you ready little listener? Nezu was nice enough to let us use one of the meeting rooms" The loud blonde says.  "Heck yah, lets due this" Izuku says as he pushes his fear to the side. Making their way through the school they arrive at the assigned meeting room.  Entering the room the first thing Izuku notices is that there is a ton of equipment used for recording and running a radio show.  Taking a seat across from each other as Present Mic sets up the camera and Mics.  After a brief period of time we were all set up and ready to start.  "All right little listener, just do your usual thing. no need to worry" Present Mic says and Izuku nods in response.  The host presses a few buttons and gives the signal that they are live.

"Hey, Hey, Hey.  Welcome back to the show.  Today we have a very special guest joining us.  The one, the only recently revealed Kitsune also known as Izuku Midoriya" Present Mic says in an enthusiastic manner.  "Hey thanks for having me today, It's a huge honor. I've been listening to your show for most of my life" Izuku says.  "Thanks little listener, that means a lot.  So today  we're just going to ask you a few questions and to end it you agreed to play for us live.  Without further ado lets get into it" present Mic says as he pulls out a few sheets of paper.  

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