Nighteye Agency

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Sorry for not posting last week. I wanted to do a Halloween special but that didn't really work out.  Not to make excuses but I was without my computer and don't like using my phone to write. 

This will be a shorter chapter just to kick off the Overhaul arc and Introduce some of the upcoming characters.  Even though it's shorter I still hope you enjoy this chapter.


3rd Person POV:

It was a beautiful sunny day at UA with all the students having just finished classes for the day. "Oh, before I forget.  Midoriya, Togata wanted to see you after class" Aizawa informs the boy.

"Wanted to see me? I wonder what for" Izuku says.  "Not sure, Must be something important" Eijiro says.  "Yah, I mean you did almost kick his butt during out fight" Kaminari says.  "Well, that's all for today, the rest of class is a free period until the bell rings" Aizawa says in a monotone voice as he slips into his sleeping bag.

The room quickly sectioned off into their usual groups as they all start their own conversations.  "So what do you guys think you'll do about work studies?" Aiko asks the group as they crowd around the desks.  "I was going to talk to Tamaki-senpai and see if he'll take me to meet Fat Gum" Eijiro says with a toothy smirk.  "Really? 'Chako, Tsu and I were gonna talk to Hado-senpai about the same thing" Aiko informs them.  "What about you two?" Mina asks Izuku and Katsuki.  

"Like I know, I can't go back with Best Jeanist because he was injured during the Kamino incident" Katsuki scoffs turning his head.  "I guess I just have to wait and see" Izuku says with a shrug.  

After class Izuku starts making his wat to the third year floor to meet with Mirio.  "Midoriya!" he hears someone call out making him turn.  Walking down the hall is the blonde Upperclassmen with his ever present smile.  "What is it you wanted to talk with me about?" Izuku asks making his way towards the energetic blonde. 

"Well actually, I was asked by Sir to bring you to his agency. Apparently he's had his eye on you for a while" Mirio informs clapping Izuku on the back.

"Oh, that's cool. If I might ask, who is Sir?" Izuku ask with a tilt of his head.  "Oh Right, Sir Nighteye.  He's the pro I do my work studies with.  I already got permission from Principal Nezu to bring you by there later today" Mirio says with a chuckle. 

"Wow, uh, Thank you Togata-senpai" Izuku says bowing to the older boy.  "Well, don't want to keep him waiting.  When you meet him, try to make him laugh. Also call me Mirio, we're going to be working together so drop the formalities" Mirio says as they walk through the halls.  "Right, Let me just text Aiko where I'm going" Izuku says.  "Ah, got a girlfriend already huh? Good for you buddy" Mirio says happily clapping Izuku on the back again.  

After taking the train to Nighteye's Agency they walk into the pro's office.  Izuku freezes when he see's a girl with blue skin strapped o a device that is tickling her sides with feathers.  "Sir, I brought Kitsune like you asked" Mirio announces making the tall man in a business suit turn to them.  

"Mirio, what's going on?" Izuku asks stunned.  "That's one of his sidekicks, Bubble Girl.  She must not have been able to make him laugh. Ah, that sucks" Mirio says

The older man stalks over to the two and towers over Izuku.  'Mirio said to make him laugh.  He want's to laugh, I can do that' Izuku thinks.  "Why was the musician arrested? Because she got in Treble" Izuku says with a big smile.  

It was silent in the office for a few seconds as Mirio helped Bubble Girl off the tickle machine.  suddenly Nighteye chuckles before it turns into a laugh.  "Mirio, who is this kid?" Bubble girl whispers.  "He's an underclassman at my school.  Sir, has had his eye on him since the sports festival" Mirio answers.  "Wait, that's him? He's the famous musician Kitsune" Bubble Girl says excitedly.

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