New Dorms and Realizations

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Nezu's POV:

It has been an hour since we got back to UA and Recovery Girl was working on the children.  I however had to start preparations on the dorms and contact the parents.  I sigh to myself as I realize I was in for a long couple of days.  I however had to start with 1-A considering they were the ones attacked so I decide to make an announcement to the rest of the school.  "Good evening students and Faculty.  I regret to inform you that class 1-A was attacked by villains during their training at the USJ.  

Thankfully there were no fatalities however there were injuries to some of the students and teachers involved.  Due to this school will be shut down for the rest of the week as we implement some new security details including dorms for the students.  your parents will be contacted and we apologize for any inconveniences this may create.  Thank you and have a good day" I say through the intercom.  After several phone calls I hung up the phone and leaned back in my chair sipping my tea.  Leaning forward I then call Inko Midoriya and after a few rings she picks up.  "Hello, miss Midoriya-"

Izuku's POV:

I don't know where I am, surrounded by nothing but black feeling like I'm falling.  The only sound I can hear is the sound of my heart beating in my ears.  I wanted to scream, flail, do anything but my body wouldn't listen.  That's when the void surrounding me disappeared and I fell into the lake in the valley from my dream.  Swimming to the surface I take a deep breath finally regaining control over my body.  "Hello child" I heard a deep gravelly voice say from behind me.  I turn to see a giant white and red fox with nine tails standing on the water.  

The fox grabbed my shirt with its mouth and lifted me out of the water before walking over to the shore and placing me down.  Snapping out of my shocked state I say "you look like the fox statue I saw in my dream last night." "That is because I am the same fox, I was a statue before because I was not awakened yet" The fox says.  "Wait, awakened.  Does that mean-" I start to say when the Fox chuckles and says "Yes child I am your second quirk.  I am the fox spirit that gives you your power."

I stumble back and sit on a fallen log behind me rubbing my hand through my hair.  "Woah, I'm gonna... I'm gonna need a minute here, this is pretty heavy" I say.  "That is understandable young one.  I will give you the time you need." The fox says as it lays down and seems to stair over the lake.  It's hard to say how long it was but we were sitting there for a while before I say "Wait so.  That wasn't a dream I had last night? but the beach, and the guy in the ocean." 'That part was a dream actually.  When you were first brought here I had pulled you into your mindscape but you were asleep so you slipped away before we could really talk" The fox says giving me a glance.  "But what does it mean, I-I'm having a hard time" I say looking up at the star filled sky. 

"Well, I suppose I should Explain everything to you since you are my host.  Basically, my awakening was due to extreme emotions you were feeling at the moment of the attack.  You already know of the teeth, ears and tail but now that I am fully awake you will have nine tails.  Your already heightened senses will be even stronger as will your instincts allowing you to know when there is danger.  You will not have total control of all fire but you will be able to produce and control your own flames which seem to be green but turn black with anger.  

You will also have 2 new transformations.  The first is my form call it what you like.  The second is a smaller more speed-based form.  In fact, I believe you have seen it before in your dream.  As for said dream that was a mix between your instincts and desire to protect young Aiko.  You will also be able to summon me for short periods of time and we will be able to communicate telepathically at any time. As for my name you can call me Zenko."  The fox now known as Zenko says.  

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