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Izuku's POV:

The rest of the day Saturday was pretty boring to be honest.  We didn't do much just kind of hung around and talked.  After the girls went to go decorate their rooms, I turn to Eijiro and Kat and say "Hey, you guys wanna see something cool?" with a huge grin on my face.  "Hell yah you damn fox" Kat says as I guide them towards the elevator.  Once inside I insert the key and the elevator descends.  The door opens and I walk out saying "Gentlemen welcome to the new studio" spreading my arms to present the room.  

They walk out of the elevator looking around with wide eyes and open mouths.  "Dude, this is so manly" Eijiro says and I nod.  "Much better than my old one, I'll tell you that" I say with a chuckle.  "Oh! before I forget" I say walking over to the desk and opening the top drawer revealing a small box of spare keys. I grab 2 and hand them to Kat and Eijiro.  "You both now have access to the studio but don't bring anyone down here without permission, got it?" I say giving them a half-hearted glare.  We make out way back to the elevator and quickly head up to our rooms to turn in for the night.

The next day I woke up at my usual time of 6 in the morning and get ready for a work out.  Heading out the door I go to the on-campus gym and start with a light jog, and by light, I mean a few miles.  Quickly making my way over to the weights I continue my work out for another hour before I head back to the Dorms.  I walk in and notice that people have started to wake up, not surprising seeing as it is now 8 in the morning.  Greeting those that are awake I make my way to my room and take a quick shower.   While I'm in the shower I almost fall over because Zenko decided that it would be funny to yell in my head.  'Very funny' I think addressing him.  'Yah it was, you dropped the shampoo bottle on your foot' Zenko says chuckling.  I swear, we've only known each other for a couple days now but he can be such a little kid some times.

The day went by really quick because we really didn't do much.  The few students that still weren't there finally arrived and quickly unpacked before Mina had the great idea to have a room competition.  We all quickly agreed except for Kat who said he was going to bed; he always did go to bed early.  (A/N: All the rooms will be the same as cannon except Izuku's which was show in the last chapter and Obviously Aiko's room considering she is an OC)

We quickly make our way through everyone's room My room being first since it was the first occupied room on the second floor and I open my door letting people in.  They all walk in and look around at the room some looking at the skateboards on the wall. Others admiring the instruments while Aiko is at my desk looking at the photos I have framed.

 Others admiring the instruments while Aiko is at my desk looking at the photos I have framed

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