USJ Incident

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Izuku's POV:

It was now the day after the Battle training and to be honest even after Recovery Girl healed me, I was still super sore.  Groaning as I get up out of bed, I head to the bathroom to start my morning routine. A nice warm shower was exactly what I needed to relieve any tension in my muscles.  After getting out of the bathroom I walk into the kitchen where my mom is eating breakfast.

"Good morning, Mom" I greet her as I grab some yogurt and strawberries for breakfast.  "Good morning Izu, how'd you sleep? you came home pretty banged up yesterday" she asks me as I start eating my food.  "I slept well, still a little sore through" I reply before looking at the clock.  "Oh man, I have to go or I'll be late" I say as I grab my guitar and backpack.   Giving my mom a quick kiss on the cheek I rush out the door and head to Naomi's to get everyone's milkshakes.

After getting the milkshakes and taking the train I'm now walking down the street when I hear a lot of noise coming UA's direction.  'Having enhanced senses do have its perks' I think to myself as I turn the corner to see a ton of reporters in front of the gate.  I walk up and try to ask them to move when they all start to bombard me with questions.

"What's All Might like as a teacher?" One asks.  "Have you met kitsune, is he in your class?" another asks.  They start to crowd me when I get annoyed and yell "I am holding drinks in my hand and would rather not spill them.  I don't plan to answer any questions and if you make me late, I will be pissed.  Now please let me pass" using my quirk to make myself louder.  They quickly move out of my way and I walk through the gate but one of the more determined reporters says "Hey wait!" and tries to follow me only for the security to kick in and a thick metal door closes with a *Thunk* in front of her.  I keep walking and pass Aizawa-sensei who says "Nice work dealing with the Press kid."  "Thanks.  By the way I'm not sure how you take it but I got you a coffee" I say handing him the large cup of black coffee.  He lifts the lid and smiles a little before saying "Thanks, don't worry about it I like my coffee Black."

Making my way through the 1-A doors I hear the class talking about the reporters when my group consisting of Kat, Eijiro, Mina, Aiko, and Uraraka come up to me.  Passing out the milkshakes Uraraka asks "Dang, those reporters where annoying right?" making Kat laugh in agreement.  "No kidding, I was barely able to get through.  What about you Izuku?" Aiko asks me.  "I actually kinda yelled at them when they almost spilled the milkshakes and they moved out of the way" I say while chuckling and rubbing the back of my neck.  This got a laugh from all of them and a "Good choice, always protect the shakes" from Eijiro. 

Not long after Aizawa-sensei walked into the room and class started.  "Now, about your battle training yesterday" he said addressing the class.  "You all did well but there is still room for improvement.  As for you Midoriya, you did well to avoid causing more property damage but you both took it too far.  Remember this is just training." He continues as I say "Yes sir" in response. "Bakugou, you did well even though you lost.  So don't sulk like a child and focus on improving." he says addressing the explosive boy.  "Yah, whatever" Kat says in response looking out the window. 

"Also, we have one last order of business before class." Aizawa says before continuing with "We need to pick class representatives."  This caused the class to erupts saying "Pick me" and anything of the sorts.  Iida stood up silencing the class as he yells "Everyone we should do this democratically; we will write names on a piece of paper and whoever gets the most votes will be class representative."  After all the votes were tallied somehow, I got Class president with 7 votes and Yaoyorozu is vice president with 3 votes.  Now up in front of the class I have no idea what to say.  Looking at the class I see Eijiro giving me a thumb's up and Aiko giving me a sweet smile.  Steeling my nerves, I address the class saying "Thank you to whoever voted for me. I was voted into this role so I promise to do what I have to the best I can" as Yaoyorozu nods in agreement. 

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