Under A Paper Moon

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Holy cow people, we did it!!! Ten thousand views!!! Thank you all so much. This is absolutely incredible and I literally couldn't have done it without all of you lovely people ❤

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Last Time:

While the camp is being attacked Izuku goes to find Kota only to find A villain named Muscular.  After an intense battle Izuku comes out the victor even if he is pretty beat up and low on energy.  At the same time the other students were given orders to retreat back to camp however some of the students run into villains along the way.  They must now decide whether to fight and defend themselves or retreat and hope to get away.  During the fight with Muscular, the villain let slip that not only was Izuku a target but so was Katsuki

This Time:

Location Unknown:

Shigaraki, the ring leader of the league of villains, can be seen sitting at a bar while Kurogiri is behind the counter cleaning a glass.  "You're sure they'll be all right on their own?" Kurogiri asks.  "I'm not a playable character in this level. I'm sure they'll make it work without me.  Besides, this game has totally changed.  I've been thinking of it as an RPG, we've had some pretty good equips but we challenged the big boss while still at level one.  Really, it's more of a simulation game.  I'm the player, and I'll use all my little pawns to smash the heroes ranks.  But in order to smash something you need cracks first.  That's where the vanguard action squad comes into play.  Who cares if these guys win or lose, the heroes will be scared just because they showed up" Shigaraki says as if he's playing some sort of strategy game?  "They're sacrificial pawns?" The Smokey villain asks. 

"Come on, do you really think I'm that heartless? I'd never underestimate their strengths. They may have different goals than me but they're comrades nonetheless.  In a society bound by ridiculous rude the villains aren't the only ones being oppressed.

Location: Training camp

With Izuku and Kota

Izuku won his fight with Muscular as he stands there panting heavily.  His arms while no longer broken are seriously bruised and cut up and he has blood dripping from his head.  Stumbling a little Kota rush towards the hero-in-training as he steadies himself.  ""Everything's okay, give me a second to catch my breath then there's something I have to take care of" Izuku says between pants.  "But you're all beat up, what more could you have to do now?" Kota asks indignantly.  

"I knew he's be strong and it's my fault for underestimating him.  That's why IO knew I needed to beat him here.  If every villain attacking us tonight is on that level all out lives are at stake.  On top of that it sounds like they're after a couple of us students. I have to let Mr. Aizawa and the pussycats know that's one of the reasons the villains are here.  I might be injured but I'm not out of the fight yet and I know there are more people that I can save.  Muscular isn't waking up any time soon so we'll leave him here not to mention if he does wake up, he'll be considerably weaker than before.  For now, I need to make sure you get to safety.  Seeing as you can create water there's something only you would be able to do.  The forest was set ablaze and that means my friends can be trapped by the flames.  But there is hope, your quirk can fight those flames.  Kota, we need you" Izuku says as he kneels in front of the boy he saved.  

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