Chapter 4: Tortured

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When Fenrys woke again he didn't have a blind fold on his face. 

No, he was staring up at a concrete ceiling, chained to a table. His shirt was off, and a quick pull of the wrists and ankles, and the shackles that bound him to the table said that he wasn't going anywhere.

The room was eerily like the one where Cairn did his work on Aelin. And Fenrys was no doubt going to be tortured as well. The rough stone walled room was dimly lit by some candles. With there being no sign of an exit from Fenrys's view, it was likely behind him.

That fact was confirmed when Fenrys heard the sound of a door opening behind him, footsteps following through.

"Look who's awake," said a new Fae male, as he went into Fenrys's view. 

Clad in black, he had a hood and mask pulled up only revealing jade eyes. While leaner built he still carried a warriors swiftness, several different types of knives with varying blade shapes and lengths on his side.

"You guys really have a thing with the masks," Fenrys mused, trying to make light of the situation as the male walked over to a dresser that was pushed up against a wall. 

He was a sadist. Even with the mask covering his face, he had the same look in his eyes as Cairn. Who to Fenrys's eternal delight, got the death he deserved. He only wished that he was conscious when Rowan killed him. 

Fenrys did the math: Sadist + being chained to a table = bad news; for whoever was chained to the table.

"Have a name?" Fenrys asked, as he walked back over.

"How did you get the scar?" was all he asked, as he hovered over Fenrys, surveying. Fenrys knew that he was talking about the one on his face. That his wonderful former queen gave him before she died.

But Fenrys inquired, "Are you going to give me one just like it?"

He huffed a laugh. "Now you are very different than most."

"Is it cause I'm not pleading for you not to hurt me?"

He only ran a finger across Fenrys's arm, and he flinched. Fenrys was willing to bet that he saw it, but he only said, "You probably have information pertaining to Aelin Galathynius and her court." His calloused finger grazed his shoulder as he continued, "Probably know their weaknesses, who their loved ones are, what trauma they might carry, information about their children..." A snarl escaped from Fenrys at that. And he only let out a wicked laugh, as his hand now gripped Fenrys's chin, forcing their eyes to meet. "You think you can hold up," he said, a smile in his eyes. "No one does. No one." And in a swift motion, a hammer was brought down upon Fenrys's arm, and he screamed as his bones were shattered.


When Fenrys woke again, he was still on the goddamn table and in excruciating pain. They kept on going until Fenrys passed out from the pain, which unfortunately took a while. The sadist had asked a couple of questions regarding Aelin and the rest of them. But once Fenrys had made it abundantly clear that he was going to tell a thing, he continued to have his fun. Fenrys had a fair share of bones broken, but knew that most of them had healed by now. 

But his attention still went to arm, where there now stood a human. She completely ignored him now being awake, as she continued to heal his arm.

"Ok seriously, what's with the masks?" Fenrys grumbled, looking towards the healer that was clad in white. His shoulder was a distant pain compared to the arm that he couldn't move, that the woman was now trying to fix. The candles on the wall now much more melted than what they were earlier, but still provided enough light to see blood patterns on himself and on some of the surrounding walls.

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