Chapter 5: In Chains

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When Fenrys woke again, mercifully with only his shoulder being in pain. He would have to take out the piece of iron in him if he wanted to be able to use his magic. A very annoying but effective way of nullifying magic, he would give them that much.

But he was now in a cell, concrete walls on all sides, with only an iron door in front of him as a way of exit and entry. He was sitting on the cold, hard ground, his back leaning against the wall. Iron shackles kept his wrists and ankles chained to the wall, giving him enough slack to stand up and walk a few feet to a bucket.

And this entire scenario would have to be actual hell if it somehow became worse than those two months with Maeve.

The door opened and in came Fenrys's mate. Dressed in grey cotton clothing, the top wrapping around the side. The hood and mask covering the entirety of her face, except for her dark eyes.

A plate of food was in her hands, obviously meant for him.

"Eat," she said coldly, sliding the plate of food across the ground, not getting any closer. Which was smart because, had it been anyone that wasn't his mate, the slack the chains allowed could possibly allowed him to kill her.

Fenrys glanced at his mate, then at the food and started to pick at the roll of bread. He was hungry, hadn't eaten anything since he was back in Orynth. But Fenrys said, "I never got your name."

She leaned her back against the wall. "It doesn't matter."

"You do know that we're--"

"Don't say it," she cut him off. "Just eat the food, and I'll go."

Fine, she can deny the mating bond, it's not like he would pressure it on her anyway. Fenrys popped another piece of bread into his mouth. "Can you at least tell me your name?"

She stared at him for a hard minute, Fenrys casually munching his food during their unofficial glaring contest they where having. The demi-Fae blinked first. "Nia," she said after a while. "And don't ask anything else, right now I'm supposed to make sure that you don't starve."

A smug smile pulled on Fenrys's lips. "First you're worried about me dying from dehydration,  now starvation. I'm flattered."

Fenrys could've sworn that her back loosened at the slight joke, but her eyes conveyed the message. Eat or else you're going hungry. 

Another five minutes passed, and Nia had barley moved an inch and Fenrys was taking his time with eating his food, trying to figure out who this female was. The loose cotton clothing wasn't helping, especially the mask and hood. But she had to be young, not older than 30, but probably closer to Aelin's age.

"Are you a servant?" Fenrys asked, coming to that conclusion at the very least. The healer from earlier said slave but Fenrys wanted to know Nia's take on everything.

Her dark eyes also hadn't left Fenrys during the entire duration of the past couple of minutes. But she shrugged and said, "You can go with that, sure."

"Is their a better a word you would like me to use?"

She shrugged again and Fenrys took that as a solid yes, and it was probably slave. But before Fenrys could ask anything else the door to the cell opened again and out stepped the same Fae male as the one from back in Orynth. Dressed in the same fitted black attire as earlier, it was padded down and there were several visible knives on him, probably even more hidden. He ignored the whip on his side and he could make out wisps of blond hair sticking out from the hood, but aside from his eyes, that was as much of his face Fenrys could see.

But as soon as he stepped in the room, Fenrys's eyes darted to Nia who seemed to shrink in his presence. Fenrys felt a twinge of fear down the bond, but Nia didn't make for the door. Only taking a slight step closer towards the wall and corner away from the male.

Fenrys felt the dark magic wrap around him again. But Fenrys only stared him down as he said, "So I hear you can hold up to some pain."

"And hear that you plan on selling me. So I'm curious to know how much you think I will sell for."

His magic forced Fenrys to his knees, holding him tight so he couldn't move. The male only walked towards him, his blue eyes gleaming.

Fenrys growled as his gloved hand gripped Fenrys's chin, and he said, "Oh I think you will sell for a very high price."

"Good. I would be insulted if I didn't."

The hold on him tightened the threat that his life was in their hands not needing to be stated. "I'm curious to know if people will pay higher for you to get information out of you, to flat out kill you to get at Her Royal Highness, or pleasure themselves with you."

Fenrys snarled. But still asked, "What's your name?"

"Tell me about the Queen of Terrasen, and I'll tell you it," said the male, Nia standing quietly in the corner. 

In an instant, Fenrys decided that he would call him Blue Eyed Son Of A Bitch, or BB for short.

"Leave us," BB said, barely glancing towards Nia.

She dipped her head into a bow before scuffling out the door.

BB ran a finger across his bare chest and over the tattoo of Gavriel's name that he got after the war. "You know I can read your tattoo," BB said, stalking behind him.

"Ah shit. Here I thought that it would remain a secret and encrypted for an eternity," Fenrys said, sarcastically. The tattoo was in fact written in the Old Language, anyone from Doranelle would know it.

"The Lion of Doranelle," BB mused, running a finger over some of the scars on Fenrys's back. If his magic forced him not to move he would've flinched. "Are these whip scars or battle ones?"

The former. In fact, some of the whippings Maeve have ordered upon him as punishment, whether there was any real justification or not, had left worse scars than the ones Aelin formerly bore. However, Maeve always told him she wanted them gone. And when Fenrys said then he would need to get an actual healer involved, because more or less of the time, Fenrys would have to heal himself from whatever punishment he endured, her majesty would say no. Because why let the people know how brutal her punishments actually were and have them asked why. But on several occasions she would force Fenrys to bed her, and after would use her dark magic to whip him until he was screaming and then have him "try again". But as long as the scars could pass as battle ones, then she didn't care.

When Fenrys didn't respond and BB removed his finger he said, "Guess we'll find out."

Fenrys barely had caught his breath as the first crack of the whip fell. His breathing falling back into the pattern that kept him from screaming  even when Lorcan was the one administering it. 10 lashes later and Fenrys hadn't even bit his lip, only focused on his breathing and BB laughed, "So you have been whipped before." BB gripped his shoulders smearing his blood and pressing down on his torn skin, as he said, "I heard you screaming earlier, so you aren't impenetrable."

"If you're going to be doing until I scream," Fenrys said, sucking in another breath as the whip fell again. "Then you're going to be here awhile."

He knew that BB was smirking as he said, "Oh I've got time."


An ACOTAR meme for y'all

An ACOTAR meme for y'all

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