One shot: Darrow vs Fenrys

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Another one shot :)

A couple months after the war

"Fenrys," Darrow said, stopping in front of him to block his path to the kitchen for breakfast. "We're sending you to Doranelle."

"No," Fenrys said immediately, pissed that he's stopping him from food.

"You are the perfect person to send--" Darrow started.

"Trust me, I'm not," Fenrys said, trying to step around Darrow, but he just blocked his path again.

"You know the palace and the city by heart," Darrown went on. "You already know and have connections with the nobility there, along with other palace officials--"

"I'm not stepping foot inside that city," Fenrys said. "Find someone else."

Not after those two months of hell, not after Connall died in the throne room. Not after the decades worth of Maeve forcing him to bed there, or when he had every choice ripped away from him. Fenrys would rather take a six month trip to Wastes to be surrounded by witches, then have to see the city again.

But Darrow wasn't backing down, and only glared at him and said, 'Are you or are you not the ambassador?"

Fenrys raised a brow. "Have I or have I not, gone and met with every other person you've wanted me to, with only so much complaining?"

"And how is Doranelle any different," Darrow pressured. "Except this place might as well be your home." The amount of arguments that everyone knows that Darrow has had with Aelin, with not only making Rowan king. But having Fenrys as emissary, who apparently whored himself to an enemy queen, and that was also a demon was utterly unacceptable.

However Lorcan probably had the worst of it, when Elide tried to make him (eventually got him) a Lord. Fenrys had never heard such foul words come from Elide's mouth during that fight, it was honestly kind of hilarious.

But right now, Fenrys was two seconds from making Evangline Lady of Arran. "You know why I hate that place," Fenrys growled in warning. "So stop pressuring me on this. My answer is no, and will forever be no."

"Anyone with human blood isn't taken to kindly there, even with Selene's new rules," Darrow stated. "And you are pure blooded Fae, and you already know the nobility."

It was an effort not to stab his face. "First off, if you are there under diplomatic reasons they can't shun you. Second off, me knowing the nobility is me hating them. Ask Lorcan or Rowan, they can tell you that 80% of them are assholes, 10% are tolerable, and the rest are in the clear. And it takes over a month to get there alone. It would end up being like a three month trip."

He rolled his eyes. "Half that by Wyvern. You're going. You can leave--"

"I'm not, and I'm telling you now, that if I step foot there I will either stab people, destroy some things, or kill someone--"

"This isn't a negotiation. This is a part of your job--"

"I'm not going," his voice turned into a snarl. To hell with Darrow, literally the last time he was in Doranelle, he thought he was going to watch Cairn melt Aelin, watched her attempt suicide, then came to near death himself, watched Aelin scream and beg bloody murder, and all in all it was very emotional and confusing day. And he knew that Aelin would have his side with this, she also never wanted to step foot in that city again, and Darrow was basically ass to everyone. "And no amount of your yapping will change what happened to me there, so great talking to you, and truly go to hell."

Like maybe he would step foot in there if Aelin was with him, but certainly not by himself. He wouldn't purposefully trigger a bunch of relapses and have to go through that hell alone.

Darrow glared at him, and Fenrys stared him down right back.

Rowan turned the corner to them and froze. Darrow and Fenrys's eyes didn't leave each other, as the king asked, "Am I interrupting something?"

"No," answered Fenrys, sidestepping Darrow and walking back towards food. He called Darrow, "If you want to continue this conversation, please take it up with my defense attorney. She loves to have an excuse to yell at you."

Yes, the fire breathing bitch queen would take any excuse she could order Darrow's execution. 


idk I like the idea that Aelin and Fenrys both refuse to step foot in Doranelle ever again (it was teased in the books)

and I feel like Darrow harassing's Fenrys non stop about this is something he would do

Also if anyone has any ideas about cute fluff scenes between Nia and Fenrys 

I would love to hear them :)

I would love to hear them :)

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