Chapter 31: I don't even know who to apologize to

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The title should say it all


"You have been a very naughty girl," Andrei crooned as he strode through a doorway of a bedroom.

Nia had woken here, her wrist was a short chain that ran to the pole of a queen sized bed inside this bedroom. A far nicer one than she had ever had for her own. And she wasn't in the Pit.

No. There was a window that revealed that she was in an apartment in some town. She didn't recognize the outside of the stunning city that laid outside, but granted she had hardly travelled at all. But it was a beautiful city, and a human one. A language that she didn't recognize was spoken by the locals.

Nia had already tried calling out the bond to Fenrys. But it was silent. He was likely asleep or still knocked out. She didn't know if that was a good thing or not.

But her attention now fell on Andrei, and Crimson and Beatrice who stood by the doorway, which beyond Nia could see was the rest of the apartment.

"I'm going to kill you," Nia sneered as Andrei approached her with a smirk.

"I don't believe that's how we taught you to speak to us," he purred, all of their hoods were down as there was no point in keeping them up.

The male in front of her ice blues eyes that usually caused her to cower in fear only made her want to stab him even more.

"You don't own me," Nia growled. She was done doing whatever they said and being in fear of them. If she was going down, she was going to put up a fight.

"We have noticed that you covered up your tattoo," Andrei said, looking down on Nia a foot away, the chain preventing Nia from being able to get closer to him. "It will be easy to fix."

"How do you know that we haven't alerted the authorities?" Nia said, not backing down from Beatrice warning glare coming from the door.

"Oh that was certainly a cause for concern, especially when you first got out and could've gone to Doranelle. But since you didn't, and our spies there have monitored all the postage heading there, haven't found anything written by your darling mate, I would say we are in the clear."

Nia snarled. "How did you find us?"

Crimson answered, "If we didn't get word of your stoppage in Mistward, then we would've stopped you from getting a boat in Wendlyn. There is no escape from us, but you should be proud of the effort."

"As are you going to regret ever meeting and falling in love with your mate," Andrei said. 

Nia knew that. Maybe not regret, but this is what she feared from day one. And with everything that Fenrys had been through she was more worried about him than herself.

"All of you are cowards," Nia sneered. "That's why you put the iron bracelet on me as soon as you laid eyes on me. Because you knew how powerful I was. And that was more powerful than all of you, and eventually all it would take is a wave of my hand for me to kill you all."

Fenrys had told her all of this, and it made sense. She was ten when she discovered she had magic, enough to cause a small tidal wave when she didn't have an ounce of training. If her young age when she discovered her magic didn't point to how much power should would wield, then when Fenrys nearly died yes.

"You used your magic for hours straight to keep both of us alive with hardly any training," he had told her in the aftermath of the skinwalkers nearly killing them.


"Do you have any idea how hard that is?"

"Hard?" she guessed.

After the War: The White Wolf of Doranelle (Fenrys Moonbeam)Where stories live. Discover now