One shot: The Twins Meet Rowan Whitethorn For the First Time

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"I wager three minutes, " said a stranger Fae male.

"Not even two," said a different male, around the dirt arena. Even a human would be able to detect the strong stench of rotten food and ale. The rock walls of the underground bar annunciating the cheering of the ground.  

"I think you're underestimating him," said Connall Moonbeam taking a long sip of beer as he watched his shirtless twin prepare to get into a brawl. They were barely 31 and several days after first arriving in Doranelle later, the twins had an unbeatable streak in these bar fights. 

And where everyone started out betting against them, quickly started betting for them. 

The rules were simple in this fight. 

No other weapons besides swords, no magic, and no killing. Everything else was fair game. However limb chopping off was frowned upon. 

Connall had his shot in the arena a little while ago, but was now perfectly content watching his smiling brother get down and dirty.

However this round everyone he heard was betting against his brother. On the silver haired Fae male that he was going up against next. A cold neutral composure was on his face, a tattoo running down the side of his face and down his neck and his bare chest. Unlike Fenrys who's muscles and chest was sweat gleamed, this male was clearly about to get into his first fight of the day.

The first Fae male snorted. "Do you have any idea who that is? Your brother doesn't stand a chance."

Connall didn't know who that was. The mountain of muscles and the immortal grace of how he walked suggest that he was at least one, probably two, centuries older than himself. But most of the people they had gone up against anyways were far older than them. They had barely settled. Barely had an ounce of experience compared to most. And were making a shit ton of money kicking everyone's asses. 

"You sure about this?" asked the warrior to Fenrys a sword in hand and the faintest of smiles on his lip. His white haired was braided back and pine green eyes studied Fenrys. 

Fenrys's feet grounded into the dirt floor. He smirked. "More than sure, old man."

And their swords clashed and the crowd raged, the cheering echoing off of the rock walls.

The second male must've realized that Connall still didn't recognize the male and told him with a pointed finger, "That's Rowan Whitethorn."

 Connall stopped breathing. 

The male laughed, "Yeah your brother is fucked."

A Day Prior

Rowan, Gavriel, and Lorcan all stood before their queen in the throne room of the royal palace. She sat atop of her throne, peering down at the immortal warriors, a dark robe caressing her, Vaughan, like he generally was, wasn't around so it was the three of them.

The waterfall could be heard roaring just outside, the early morning sunlight allowing the stunning stone of the palace to shine.

"There have been reports," The dark queen drawled her voice young and old. "That a two young Fae males who are twins have come into my city recently."

The three of them froze.

"Twins?" Lorcan Salavettre, Maeve's second in command confirmed. 

Because twins were so rare that they were practically unheard of. Fae having children to begin with was hard. If a female were to get pregnant at all to begin with it would be considered a miracle to begin with, neverminded if the female and the child were to survive the pregnancy's. And if the female were to get pregnant a second or third time around it was a blessing from the gods.

After the War: The White Wolf of Doranelle (Fenrys Moonbeam)Where stories live. Discover now