Chapter 28: The one where they fall in love, because I am sick of waiting

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The title for this chapter could easily be switched out for "Adventures of Fenrys and Nia"

But I feel like the current one is a pretty good precursor as to what's going to happen by the end



Considering that they both remained on the hammock the entire night, Fenrys surprisingly that he slept through the entire night. Which only ever happened if he was beyond exhausted. And he was only somewhat exhausted last night. What that meant, he didn't know.

But now, as the morning sun rose through the sky and light reflected over the glimmering pond, Nia was still fast asleep, having flipped over so that her head now was tucked next to Fenrys's chest.

Some part of his broken, messed up soul healed last night. The talks he has had with Aelin only helped so much. But with Nia...something was different. She had also lost the one person that mattered to her.

And Fenrys had failed to protect his twin. Didn't even have a body to bury. He wasn't sure if he could ever fully get over Connall, or forgive himself.

Or allow himself an ounce of what Aelin and Rowan had.

But Fenrys allowed himself to tuck a piece of Nia's wet hair behind her ear, and stared out at the lake and the small waterfall in the distance.

When Nia woke, they ended up heading back to the house and got some food. After taking a bath and getting dressed they packed bags and money, said goodbye to the house, before heading back out into town. Where Fenrys got some horses that weren't his parents', and they trotted off into the woods and towards Wendlyn.

They took breaks for training, water and food but going on horse anyways sped up the process a lot faster.

Into the afternoon Nia paused her horse and whispered loudly, "Is that a cat?"

Fenrys's eyes went to a small black animal that was digging into the ground at the bottom of the tree.

"Mayyybeee," Fenrys said very unsure, but there was no tail and there seemed to be wisps of shadows around it's midnight fur.

Fenrys gaped, "What if it's Andrei?"

"Andrei's animal form isn't a weird cat."

"Then what is it?"

"A falcon, specifically a gyrfalcon." (coughs in foreshadowing)

Huh. Could be useful information for later.

The cat's head twitched to them and it looked them both dead in the eye.

"Uhh why does it have red eyes?" Fenrys asked, his horse needing no cue to walk away.

"Maybe it's a demon," Nia hissed, her long hair braided back and her own horse also backing up.

The demon cat fur pricked up and took a step closer to them as it hissed. Fenrys's horse whined and bolted off, nearly knocking him off, and he could hear Nia's laughter chasing after him.


"Tell me about Aelin," Nia requested as they travelled through the forest. "If its okay."

Fenrys said without hesitation, "Well do you want the long story..."

"How long is the long story?"

"Maybe 7 books worth of information, maybe even 8."

Nia blinked, "Well we've got time."

After the War: The White Wolf of Doranelle (Fenrys Moonbeam)Where stories live. Discover now