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The truthful title of this chapter: "I swear the trauma is the end of this chapter."

But you guys wanted them to die painfully and...

6 days and 5000+ words laterrrrr


"You know I was hoping for an excuse to have some fun with you," Laban rolled, pulling out a jagged knife from his belt. "I suggest you make this easier on yourself to save you and the Wolf from blood being spilled."

"Where is he?" Nia demanded, her hands ready at her side with her magic on standby. She asked the same question down the bond but there was no response.

"Turn around," Laban ordered her like a dog. "And walk back into that little wine cellar. Who knows, maybe I'll even give you a sip."

"You," Nia growled, rage over taking her. "Tortured him for two weeks."

Nia saw him torture Fenrys, was well aware that he had tortured and raped children, her, before.

"And his screams were some of the best music my ears have ever heard," he crooned. His own power filled the air, and those emerald eyes sweeping over her body like he could see past her clothes. "The ones you loved will only be used against you, I feel like we've trained this into you for a long time. But apparently a few weeks of change require another lesson."

Nia's choking laugh was nothing short of wicked. "You're a sadist. All of you are."

"And you're just as bad as us, dear," Laban said, slowly walking towards like prey. "You forget the many people you've hurt."

Nia's eyes darkened. "I was forced to, you're the one that tortured them."

"Oh? And who put salt in their wounds? Who handed me the whip? Have you forgotten that you're the one that cleaned the knives that would cause your mate to scream?"

The leash on Nia snapped, and she lunged.

Fenrys had really only so far taught how to defend herself, not some much how to be offensive. But animal instinct took over her and see was moving.

He was already within a few feet of her. Yet Laban had centuries of experience and Nia didn't know how to disguise her moves. Nor did she really even have any.

He sidestepped and tripped her ankles, and a blast of his magic had helped him throw her to the ground. 

He pressed that wicked knife to her throat, crooning, "Still as weak as I remember."

Nia thanked whatever higher being there was, for Fenrys being the most annoying teacher about having her train and master basic defense.

Nia pivoted and wrapped her ankle around the sadist, and pulled down hard to the ground, and Laban landed with a thud. Nia was on her feet and moving, before he could even realize.

A blast of ice-cold wind had him thrown across the rooms, and he hit the ground with a groan of agnoy.

Nia curled her fingers and Laban was on his feet clawing at his throat for air.

"You deserve to have every horror that you've enacted done to you," Nia snarled loudly and then threw him across the room. Bones cracked as a muffle whimpered escaped him and he tried to rally his own magic, but Nia only tossed him across the other side of the room. 

"You deserved to know what it is like to be raped, to be chained and tortured, to be humiliated, to lose everything and what it's like to kneel before someone." His face was turning purple from the lack of oxygen Nia was now cutting off from him, but she released him because that was too quick of a death. He fell to his knees gasping for air, and Nia only smiled.

After the War: The White Wolf of Doranelle (Fenrys Moonbeam)Where stories live. Discover now