Chapter 6: Doesn't Beg

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Andrei only had to tell her one word "salt" that sent on the verge of a panic attack.

She had accepted, that fine, she had a mate. It did not mean that she liked it. Or that she accepted the bond. Or that Fenrys was anything different than a prisoner that the Furies normally had. Right?

Stop doubting yourself, Nia told herself. Fenrys is a prisoner, and will either be dead or broken within the month.

Yet why was this one different....

Because he's your mate, said the voice in her head. And he's the only person to not be immediately begging for mercy and honestly seems rather annoyed than concerned that he's about to be sold on the black market.

Stop it, said that same/different voice that was herself. He could be some psychotic murdered, that has raped children, and as a result he's a bad person, I hate him, end of story.

Yet Nia found her self slowly dragging herself to where the salt was kept, telling herself that if she did it, she could make it as painless as possible, and that it couldn't guarantee that anyone else would do the same. Nevermind if she didn't, she would face the repercussions.

And when she entered the cell again, Fenrys had been moved to a wall, where both of his wrists were chained to it, overhead him. He was unconscious, his face facing the wall and his back a blood slab of meat.

Nia was used to this. Clients kneeling in their own pool of blood. And Nia sent to make their pain and misery even worse. But this time it hit differently.

This person was her mate. She couldn't deny that. And she had never met anyone stand up to Andrei like the way he did. And smile so much while doing it.

Idiot, that's what. Who the hell talks back their the captor? 

And also unlike most, there wasn't the strong scent of fear, only blood. Lots of it. Nia sometimes wished that her smell was heightened so the stench of blood wasn't so strong. There was a massive puddle of blood in the middle of the room, where Nia would be expected to clean up later. Andrei probably whipped him, before knocking him unconscious and chaining him to the wall, so Nia could rub salt into his back.

Her heart clenched, this being something she's done far too many times than she would care to admit. Yet this was still her mate. And knew that as soon as she began he would wake up.

I don't know him, Nia reminded herself. He could be some lying, murderous person that has killed innocents for sport.......

Still, Nia gently undid his braided hair that was stained red towards the bottom. Before redoing it and slinging over his shoulder.

Fenrys started to stir, and a muffled groan escaped from him as Nia said quietly, "It's just me."

He tried and failed to lift his head, letting his forehead rest against the wall. "Are you going to be healing me orrrrrr...."


Fenrys only mumbled, "Just get it over with."

Nia knew what he meant. That every minute wasted was one that postponed him getting actually healed. So Nia took a breath before grabbing a handful of salt and rubbing it into his exposed back.

Fenrys cringed, and Nia knew that he was biting back a scream.

"How many?" Nia asked after sometime. The wounds ran deep. Deep enough that Nia knew that Andrei probably healed him enough to stop the bleeding so he wouldn't bleed to death.

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