Chapter 25: Familiar, but now hated, faces

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Fenrys hated the woman in front of her.

Remelle. The bane of existence.

Did Remelle mostly harass Rowan over the years about siring heirs, yes.

Was it hilarious to watch Rowan squirm and not be allowed to gut her because of her title, yes.

But did she only go after Rowan, no.

Was Fenrys allowed to gut her, no.

Would killing her potentially killing her cause a war, yes.

But in general did Fenrys have in 10x worse than Rowan when it came to people harassing him on marriage alliances and heirs, also yes.

More importantly, did he want to gut Remellle like a fish, partly for all of the pain that she caused his brother, but also because she was a bitch, yes.

Fenrys explained all of this down the bond to Nia.

"Remelle," Fenrys greeted, forcing a smile to his face, but didn't bow. "I'm surprised to see you here, you are a long way from hell."

Her mouth twitched and her cerulean blue eyes narrowed on Fenrys. "I know that you aren't speaking of home. And it's nice to see that Orynth hasn't tainted your accent or your demeanor." Fenrys forced his hands to not clench as she shifted to Nia, but turned back to Fenrys. "And who is this?"

"Nia," Nia introduced, now half sitting on the table, and didn't bow to her as did to Essar. "And I'm assuming that you are also a Lady of Doranelle."

The Lady's back straightened as if she wasn't expecting Nia to respond, Fenrys giving Remelle a warning glare. One that promised a slow death and she dared speak ill of Nia.

Essar said, trying to diffuse the situation, "Remelle, I ran into Fenrys and Nia earlier today; they were just passing through the town as we were."

"Hmm," said Remelle, her eyes going back to Fenrys, she switched to the old language. "So what are you doing here?"

She probably assumed that Nia wouldn't be able to understand any of this, which she couldn't if Fenrys didn't start translating everything down the bond.

Fenrys said in the common tongue, "That's not for me to disclose. But Essar told me that you were off to Akkandia so perhaps you should get going--"

"Oh no, since you are here I want to catch up, I'm sure Essar can fill me in later on how you got here, but," Remelle glanced towards Nia and in the old language asked, "Is the girl your lover?"

Nia looked away as Fenrys continued to translate even that. Fenrys said, "Her name is Nia, and I don't believe that is any of your concern."

"Your scent is all over her."


"For your sake, Fenrys, she's a half-breed and you're from one of the fewer noble houses that remains to be fully pure blooded, aren't you last of your bloodline at this point?"

He was, while he might have had some extremely distantly related cousin that he never met, and although his parents were never 'Lord or Lady' his bloodline was never considered an un-noble one. According to his mother his great great great grandmother had an arranged marriage with someone that was technically a Whitethorn. If that made him related to Rowan and hence Aelin in some way, he didn't know.

Ignoring all of that he said in the common tongue, "I didn't realize that you were so concerned with my love life. Or my life at all."

Because he certainly didn't care if she fell of a cliff or not. 

After the War: The White Wolf of Doranelle (Fenrys Moonbeam)Where stories live. Discover now