Chapter 13: The Black Wolf

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Thank you @cheryl1310, @Book_obsessed_1, and @jubes_ for commenting and voting on so many chapters, love the support, thank you :)


"You look like shit," Nia said, four days after Nia died and then came back, at breakfast.

It had been 16 days since he got here. And despite being tortured and screaming for hours on end each day, the sadist, Laban, was Fae and could scent fear. Which was why Fenrys did the best he could to not be afraid (which probably only pissed him off even more). However he certainty dreaded each of their encounters, as they weren't fun, and continually got worse. But if Laban were to pull out fire....then Fenrys would be fucked. In no way did he want to be afraid of Aelin, and he only prayed that it wouldn't come to that.

But Fenrys only rolled his neck and said to Nia, "Surprisingly enough, sleeping on the ground is incredibly uncomfortable."

"Shocking, really," Nia said, humor in her eyes as she gave him his food. And although she was always really quite when she was around The Furies, not that Fenrys could blame her if standing up to them, apparently got her thrown into pitch black cell, she was talking again, and cracking jokes and laughing. And that was more than he could ask for.

"Except actually eat this time," Nia said. "Because apparently something is going to happen today, an you'll probably need your strength."

Fenrys crinkled his nose. "This food really is horrible," but still ate it. The water, however, was laced with iron, and Fenrys only drank that when he had to. Mostly Nia's excessive complaints about him need to drink something made him do it, even though he protested that it was drugged.

Fenrys could see the smile tug on her face as she said, "Maybe that's how they get everyone to be so weak, because the food is so bad they starve them selves."

He pointed a finger. "That is an incredibly depressing thought, but highly possible one."

Her hair was hidden, but pretend to flip it and said, "I'm a genius like that."

And Fenrys couldn't help but laugh.


Wake up, Fenrys, wake up.

Fenrys stifled a groan as he raised his head from a dirt floor. His eyes blinking as they adjusted at the much brighter light and roaring of a crowd.

On your feet, hurry, said Nia, her voice a plea.

Fenrys shifted his wait to his shoulder and the palm of his hands, when he noticed.

The shackles around his wrists were gone.

Immediately his eyes shot to his ankles, where there was one on his right ankle, with a long chain that was connected to the wall. His shoulder was still stinging, reminding him there was indeed a piece of iron in his shoulder.

Where are you--

You're going to have to fight something, so quickly get up.

His utter confusion quickly came to a somewhat understanding in a matter of seconds. 

His head pounded from dehydration, and the loud sound of the crowd, and someone's voice annunciated by magic, was talking. Fenrys could make out the word fight, creature, and undefeated, but his eyes went to his surroundings. 

He was in a circular pit, several yards deep, slick stone walls on all sides, and a dirt floor. A massive iron, arched door was on the opposite side of the wall. A quick glance to the top of him confirmed where all of the noise was coming. A gridded, metal plate kept him caged in the arena. But on the other side of it, there was a large crowd circular around it, shouting and yelling. Some were holding alcohol yelling for it to start or were making bets, obviously on him.

Fenrys was on his feet, and quickly was able to locate The Furies. Andrei stood in front, glaring down at Fenrys, clearly going to enjoy whatever was about to happen, a fight Nia had just said. The other three members were there as well, watching him carefully. However Fenrys's real concern was on Nia, who was in her usual attire, but was standing slightly behind Andrei, worry in her eyes.

There's a knife on the ground, quickly pick it up, and get ready.

Fenrys did what he was told, grabbing the small dagger as the crowd raged. For what?

A fight!

Yeah, got that part, but with what?

Fine, Fenrys was going to be entertainment now. This was more fun than being chained and tortured anyways.

But the knife was too small to throw through one of the holes at the metal grid to hit someone up there. And if he tried to cut the iron out of him, arrows would probably rain down on him. But the ceiling all the way up was sky high, and rock, which gave away that he was in the "common" areas. Still, this was his best chance to attempt an escape and help get Nia out.

The iron door groaned as it slowly was raised, and Fenrys could hear snarls coming from the other side of it. The crowds raged and Fenrys placed his feet in a fighting stance.

Survive this, and then escape, he told himself. That seems like a pretty good plan.

A loud snarl echoed as the door fully opened.

And out stepped from the darkness, into the arena, was a massive black wolf.


Sorry for this being a short one

Also to my Shadow and Bone fans


5 dayysssssss until the fan girl inside of me dies

5 dayysssssss until the fan girl inside of me dies

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