Chapter 17: Stars

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Fenrys did wake her in the middle of the night. Although she suspected that he let her sleep longer than he should've. But apparently her mate could shift into a white wolf, as he shifted into one before falling asleep under the stars.

She still hadn't asked what the freeze up with the black wolf meant. If it had to do with him being able to shift into a wolf himself. And while her father's Fae side was strong, it didn't give her the ability to shift. But while her ears weren't pointy, she had heightened senses as did all other Fae.

And magic apparently. He promised that he would teach her it. But her lack of control was slightly worrisome.

When first found it out, it kind of just exploded when she saw a man go for Kora. But in all of the chaos that she created with nearly drowning everyone, her sister died, and Nia would never forget the feeling of her warm blood on her hands. Or of her pale face, and the sound of her heart's last beat.

She could feel the magic at the tip of her fingertips. Could draw on it now if she wanted, but still didn't know anything about it, or what her limits were. And didn't want to risk hurting anyone anymore.

But Nia must've fallen asleep or something, because when she opened her eyes, dawn barely breaking, there was a pile of clothes a couple of yards away.

The White Wolf was still sleeping but..."Fenrys!"

His onyx eyes flung open and in a flash of light the golden haired warrior was already scanning their surroundings.

"I'm assuming that wasn't you," Nia said, right as his eyes fell on the pile of clothes. He frowned, but then his eyes traced what appeared to be little footprints in the dirt.

His onyx eyes scanned the surroundings again, but Fenrys was smiling again, and then shouted to no one, "Thank you!"

He pushed himself off the ground, wandering over to the clothes. "Do you know who the Little Folk are?"

Nia shook her head, as Fenrys poked at the clothes. "They are a type of Faeries, and the short answer is that they bow to Aelin." He grabbed some clothes, before tossing some to Nia, obviously intended for her. "I met some of them four years ago with Aelin, and I guess they remembered me." Nia frowned, scanning the area in search of any sign of them. Fenrys grabbed his own clothes and said, "I don't think you'll ever be able to find them, if they don't want to be found." He started to walk into the forest. "I'm going to get changed, since my shirt currently has a hole into it. And you can change if you so chose please."

He left her there, with the bundle of clothes in hand. For a second she just stared at it, before ultimately deciding that she was done being a slave. And that this was a chance for a redo, for a chance to have a new life. She was out and free.

She wanted the clothes, the tattoo, all of it to be gone.

Nia wandered over to where Fenrys had gone off to. Wearing the white tunic, black fitted pants, and light jacket, that somehow all fit her perfectly, she found Fenrys shirtless running a finger over his arm.

And if the fact that he could fight so well didn't show that he was a warrior, then the sheer amount of muscles on him did. Dawn breaking over the horizon, showcases his magnificent body and utter lack of markings on him, expect for the scar on his shoulder where the piece of iron was in him.

"Enjoying the sight?" Fenrys asked with a smug smile, when he caught her staring.

Nia closed her hanging mouth and asked, "You had a tattoo, right?" Where his eyes just were.

After the War: The White Wolf of Doranelle (Fenrys Moonbeam)Where stories live. Discover now