Fenrys Slaughters A City

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One shot

I've had this in the works for a long timeee and have decided to finally finish it

This takes place a several decades back

 "This is stupid," Fenrys said to Gavriel, a village looming bellow them as the two males stood on a the side of an overlooking mountain.

"Utterly pointless and stupid," Fenrys stated, and Gavriel gave him a bow regardless. "I don't need to prove to Maeve that I know how to kill."

"Think of it as seeing how good you are," the Lion told him, forcing him to take an arrow. "How much you have improved."

His eyes narrowed at the town, the surrounding forest providing them cover so that the guards on post couldn't see them. "How many people do you think are there anyway?"

"150 to 200 maybe." It was Commander Kit that answered, who was dragged along with this.

Fenrys's face darkened. "But I don't want to kill that many people."

Gavriel sighed, "Orders are orders."

Five days earlier

"My spies have a report of a town that has been misbehaving," Maeve informed Gavriel and Fenrys in her office. The grand room was littered with bookshelves and in front of the Dark Queen was her massive spruce desk littered with papers and books.

"Commander Kit can give you the details, but the majority of the inhabitants are half breeds or at least have human blood mixed in their blood lines, so their deaths really wouldn't be that significant. But I want you, more specifically, Fenrys, to kill them all."

Gavriel glanced towards Fenrys and dared asked, "Why?"

Their queen clasped her hands together. "Gavriel will join you and will only step in if you are in mortal peril. As in you will either have to be captured or near death for him to aid you in any way." 

Fenrys's churned turned as he tried to contemplate if he did anything recently to piss off his queen. Even Gavriel seemed surprised by the new orders.

Maeve went on, "However if you do get captured it might be better if Gavriel actually leaves you there to teach you a lesson, as only so many of them have been truly trained to fight, so this mission is easy for you."

"So," Fenrys said, jaw tight. "They're innocent."

Fenrys knew the look in Maeve's eyes, that her patience was wearing thin, but she also wasn't surprised. "Again, Commander Kit will give you the details, but no, they are not innocent. Apparently, they have a whipping post in the center of the city and have refused to let anyone in or out of the city without the self-proposed leader's approval."

Well, that did ease Fenrys's conscious somewhat. However, someone could blink at her the wrong way and Maeve would declare that a crime.

"This is to stay between us, and Commander Kit, understand?" 

And the two males nodded, Fenrys doing so reluctantly. 

Maeve's dark eyes landed on Fenrys and a smile that he knew too well spread on her lips. "Everyone, Fenrys. I want everyone dead."

Fenrys's fists clenched ever so slightly but he nodded, and his head dipped into a bow.


"I hate this," Fenrys murmured, but then shot an arrow at the first guard and he silently dropped dead.

He had better eyesight than most Fae. Which gave him the ability to shoot further and better than most. He already could outshoot Gavriel in terms of distance and was on his way to beating Rowan and Lorcan's record.

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