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Y'all I'm sorry that I was gone for so long

But in my defense, an 800-page SJM book was published between this, and the last chapter being posted 

More info on everything at the end

Growing up, Nyein had never been to Doranelle. Neither had Sam or Asena. The visits that never happened never particularly bothered him. Never the way the way it had for Asena at least. She would beg her father to go visit the City of Rivers, Fenrys's response always a lame excuse. His mothering going along with what her mate said.

Asena would go and beg to Aunt Aelin. Who would give the same lame excuse to as Fenrys. Uncle Rowan would promise his twin that one day she could go. That maybe he would be the one to take them. That day never happened.

When Nyein was younger, Uncle Lorcan had gone on a trip to businesses for political reasons to the city. Even then, little Asena had begged her to take him with. The demi-Fae had passed her up, citing that she would be gone from home to long and would miss her family if she went. Never mind that their uncle was going to diplomatic reasons, not for fun.

Years later did Nyein finally start to stitch together the answers of why they had never gone. The two months of torture that Queen Aelin had sacrificed for this kingdom, that she had confirmed, but never spoke of. Those two months were enough to keep her away from that city for an eternity and wasn't a fan of the idea of Sam going there.

The reasons as to why Fenrys never allowed Asena or Nyein go to the city to a lot longer to figure out, and he mostly ever did thanks to rumor. His father never liked to speak of his time under Maeve, especially when certain conversations came up, he always changed the topic. His mother gave Nyein bits and pieces of the years. But mainly, the servants inside the palace liked to talk.

The word whore had floated about when it came to his father's name. Including, oh that poor thing and he deserves it, and it was an honor to begin with. It didn't take long for Nyein to construct the truth.

One thing that Nyein for certain was the truth that his would've been Uncle Connall died in the palace that he was now starring at.

"Shit," breathed Diana in disbelief.

They had appeared, what looked to be somewhere inside the city of Doranelle. Even in the alley way between two towering buildings that they could see the palace of dreams. White stone glittered and a water fall to the side roared and fell into an abys. The wisps of the fall rose up and up and encompassed the palace that was bigger than Orynth.

Nyein's adoring was cut off by the sharp tug of Richard's hand as he tugged them behind a crate of what smelled like spices, to avoid oncoming footsteps.

Asena's eyes cut to him, her dark ones the same as his own, but silver lined and sparkling at the adventures that await. They were going to be killed for this.

The voices of two deep males rumbled.

"I can't believe that you fucking pulled the short straw," one grumbled to other, voice rough like sandpaper.

"I pulled the last one," the second male snapped back. "It just happened to be the shortest. It wasn't my fault."

The first one scoffed. "And now we are stuck on guard duty in the place where nothing has happened in the past century."

"Oh, don't say that boss has been saying that ever since Sellene has been trying to promote 'more inclusivity' in the city, half breeds have been roaming the streets everywhere we look. And their thieving dicks like to try and take some of the goods."

After the War: The White Wolf of Doranelle (Fenrys Moonbeam)Where stories live. Discover now