Chapter 34: HE IS AWAKE

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Fenrys cracked open his eyes to see white, moonlight stream in through the window and past the adoring furniture the bedroom. A cool summer's breeze blew, caused the curtains to flutter and settle. The empty feeling in his gut was gone, and Fenrys could feel his magic at his disposal again. More or less, he was hungry...and hot. Why were there so many blankets?

Past the window revealed the sleeping city he knew was Antica. The Torre stood tall in the distance, only a few lights flickering there. The walls around it towered, more guards there than before the war. Fenrys sat up fully, never having been in this specific room, but the walls and décor screamed the royal palace. So, he had made it.

And Nia--

"Oh, you're up."

Fenrys whirled, looking behind him to see his mate standing behind an identical bed to his own and from an open bathroom door. A towel was wrapped around her as drops of water from her thick, black hair hit the stainless ground.

She tilted her head to the side. "How are you feeling?"

Onyx eyes scanned the demi-Fae in search of any pertaining injury, and to ensure her guts were still in.

"I'm fine since you're wondering," Nia drawled, eyeing Fenrys worrisomely. "I talked to the healer, and I'm pretty much cleared to do anything. She just recommended for me to wear a bandage for a little bit, so I don't do anything stupid on accident."

Fenrys's eyes didn't leave her as she walked over to the drawer and grabbed the white gauge and headed back over to him. Each step smooth and gracefully beautiful as her bare feet moved closer to him.

"How are you feeling?" she asked again.

Fenrys ignored the question. "So, uh did you talk to Nesryn or something--"

"Yes," her mate answered. "Well, I woke up about a day ago, it's been three for you, and then gave Lysandra a summary of what happened to you. Had dinner with them. Slept right there." she pointed to the other bed in the room. "Quick side note, but has anyone told you, you drool when you sleep?"

Fenrys's glare told her to go on.

There was a hint of amusement in her smile as she stood dripping wet before him. "It's cute. Then I woke up, had breakfast with everyone. Did you know that croissants were a thing? I very much like the chocolate ones. But then apparently people had work to do or something, so I basically wandered around the palace all day. And got lost in a garden. But then Aedion rescued me. But then I got lost in a library. But Nesryn rescued me. And then dinner, and here I am now."

Fenrys blinked. Processed. "So Aedion, Lysandra, just everyone--what did you think of them?"

"Oh I liked them very much."


A scoff. "Did you think I wouldn't?"

"Well, I wasn't sure—"

Nia cut in, "I believe their good people, have a good heart. Also, as far as I can tell they like me. And Lysandra is very adamant of planning our wedding."

"She probably wants to get back at what I did at hers."

"What the hell did you do to her?"

"We'll it's not like I ruined her wedding dress or messed up the ceremony. It was fun at the reception and when everyone was drunk."

"That's not much better."

"Yes it is, I could have objected when they were at the altar."

Nia sigh said you shouldn't be proud of this, out loud she said, "You still haven't told me how you're feeling."

After the War: The White Wolf of Doranelle (Fenrys Moonbeam)Where stories live. Discover now