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This is set after Kingdom of Ash so there will be spoilers

I've read other Fenrys fan fictions and loved them, but a lot of them focused on the lover of the story rather than him (not complaining)

However I wished that they showed more of him and how the after math of the war effected him

So I do go into that sort of thing

I'm just warning that there will be talk of mental health, depression, PTSD, trauma, rape, etc


But like we all know Fenrys's back story so none of this should be unexpected 


As a precursor I present to you random quotes from this story from random ppl

"Oh we're not going to kill you."

"Ok seriously, what's with the masks?"

"You do not sell a 10 year old's hand in marriage, just so you can get some more money to spend on alcohol." 

"I would like to thank the idiot who gave me a knife!"

"You mean the time when you pushed me into a lake and blamed it on a bird."

"So you better WAKE UP."

"I think this is confirmation that love at first bite is true."

"Pray to who? The gods that are dead? Or the universe that has it out for him?"

"You're not supposed to have gone through what I have been through."

"Well then who am I supposed to ask? Myself? I thought that it was already established that I lie to myself on a daily basis."

"And will his hawkness be joining us?"

"Maybe we should create a club for sexually traumatized people."

"Guess I'll be seeing you in hell then."

"Whatever happens, we're in this together."

"Was the bone breaking really necessary?" 

"What the fuck do you mean by Luca thinks he has a mate."

(I will cont to add random quotes until this story is completed)

(One shots don't contain spoilers so feel free to jump around with them; they are pure banter)

After the War: The White Wolf of Doranelle (Fenrys Moonbeam)Where stories live. Discover now