*Part forty*

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third person pov

"i don't know what to do anymore hongjoong. therapy isn't helping him. the last thing i want him going to is a ducking psych-ward." seonghwa paced around the hospital waiting room. they went there not long after san woke up, they knew he didn't swallow any pills, but they wanted him to get tested and to talk to a professional.

hongjoong finished placing blankets onto all the kids in the chairs before looking at seonghwa.

"we're going to get professional help babe, the doctor is going to tell us what's best for san right now" he explained

"i know but-"

"just relax, it's scary but you freaking out isn't going to help. come here" hongjoong grabbed the olders hand and brought him next to wear mingi was sleeping in the chair. he sat seonghwa down and covered him up with half of mingis blanket "we'll figure it out. we always do" he whispered

it took maybe an hour before the doctor walked out with san and a nurse. the parents, and yunho who woke up maybe half an hour ago, all stood up and waited to hear what the doctor had to say. well, yunho ran up to san.

"i'm sorry for the wait, these things always take a while" the doctor smiled sadly as he watched san practically fall into yunhos arms

"it's alright" seonghwa sighed out

"so, i know this'll be scary, but we are going to put him on antidepressants, make sure you're controlling when he takes them. put them where he can't find them, or reach them. i suggest therapy session once every other day. if you notice anymore self harm, suicide attempts, take him to a psychiatric hospital"

when all of this was being said, yunho felt tears drops starting to soak his shirt, and heard sniffles from san. when the doctor said 'psychiatric hospital' san let out a soft, choked up sob. the nurse, who was closer to san, rubbed his back. yunho held the smaller closer and started tearing up himself. the parents were trying to hold it back, but when yunho looked at hongjoong, he could tell how broken he was.

"i know it's a hard thing to go through, but it's the best advice i can give."

the parents nodded and thanked the doctor. the nurse went up to them and handed them papers to sign and flyer for psych wards while the doctor went to talk to yunho and san

"you have a great brother kid, you protect him okay?" the doctor said as he put his hand on yunhos shoulder. yunho nodded. "you talk to him when you're upset san, you're a strong kid"

bullshit san thought. he felt weak. unloved. a bother. and why on gods green earth would he push all his emotional troubles on his brother, who hasn't done shit to live with all that on his chest. but san nodded anyway. he just wanted to go home. the doctor smiled and gave the boys lollipops for them and their other sleeping brothers, as if it was a bandaid that would cure everything they were feeling right now. thanks doc.

seonghwa went to wake up the rest of the kids while hongjoong filled out paper work and payments.

"are we going home?" wooyoung whispered when he was woken up

"yeah honey, help me wake up the others real quick." wooyoung nodded but paused when he looked over and saw his two brother hugging tightly and crying.

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