11) Extreme Testing: Part 1

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DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO Ok, sorry, I know I said I’d update ‘soon’ when I put up the last chapter… and now it’s been three weeks… But three weeks is still an improvement from my previous 1-2 month updates. Thanks for voting and commenting… thanks for reading full stop. So next chapter I’m aiming for a quicker update J Hope you like this chapter, it took me a while to be happy with it. So enjoy, cya.

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That feeling of being watched wasn’t going away. I look at where I can feel someone watching me, but there’s nothing there… maybe my senses are getting sloppy, it’s frustrating…

Finally walking into the more secluded streets closer to the forest edge I decided now was a good time to keep reading my book. I pulled it out of my weapons pouch, dramatically opening the hard, green cover as the pages glowed with a bright, radiant light that illuminated my face. I took in the smell of the ink filled paper as I adjusted the book comfortably between the fingers of my right hand. Holding the book in front of my face as I continued walking, I’m not really sure where to, I began reading from where I had left off.

His warm gaze washed over me like a wave, making my heart skip and my face feel flushed. I want to look away, but I can’t bring myself to break contact with those deep brown eyes that seemed to hold so much emotion that I wasn’t used to seeing from him.

Suddenly, a noise to my left caught my attention, Kairo stepped out of his hiding place slightly with a look of pity on his face. In that moment I remembered his words. “Yukio is only going to use you now because he needs you to help him finish his mission for that precious Council he works for. In the end, that’s all he really cares about. That’s all, don’t let yourself be dragged in by someone like that, you’ll only end up heart broken.”

I looked back towards Yukio who now had a look of confusion and sadness on his face that made my heart sting. No. It’s a trick, he couldn’t actually like me, he only needs my help to solve the Councils problem. That’s the only reason he approached me in the first place.

With that thought in mind I stepped towards Kairo with his outstretched hand not giving Yukio a second glance.

‘NOOOOOOO YOU STUPID B>.<H!! OBVIOUSLY KAIRO IS THE ONE TRICKING YOU!! NOW YOU’VE JUST BROKEN YUKIO’S HEART BECAUSE HE REALLY LOVES YOU!! IT WASN’T KAIRO WHO LEFT THAT ROSE ON YOUR BED SIDE TABLE WHEN YOU WERE IN THE HOSPITAL!! IT WAS YUKIO!! YUKIOOOOO!!’ I mentally yelled in frustration at the fictional character that I had grown quite attached to. If only fictional characters could listen to their reader’s advice… then everyone would be happy and Yukio wouldn’t be sad and Kairo could get punched in the face. But I guess then there wouldn’t be much of a plot line…

My thoughts were interrupted by a new feeling of being watched. I was still keeping my senses on the spot in the air where ‘nothing’ was looking at me, but this was a new presence in the trees that now surrounded me… When did that happen…

I sighed, placing my book back in my weapons pouch as I looked in the direction of the new presence, of course this would happen to me. I reached for the katana that usually hung at my waist, but my hand grasped air.

My eyes flickered down at the empty space at my waist where my katana usually hung, and in that moment a figure jumped from the trees into the air above me. I took in his rugged appearance, he was heavily cloaked and his face was shrouded under his low hanging hood. But his ill intentions are obvious as he throws three kunai from his vantage point above me.

Faster than my mind could tell me what to do, my body leapt out of the way skidding on the ground slightly as I crouched pulling one of my own kunai from my weapons pouch and holding it in front of me defensively. The sickening thuds of my attacker’s kunai embedding deeply in the trunk of the tree I had been standing in front of reached my ears.

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