22) Discharged

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DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO. Soooooooo sorry for not updating. I know I said I would 'soon' to a fair few people, but I straight up just kept putting it off and now here we are... over a month later... Anyway please enjoy and I'll probably almost definately, but decidedly not affirmitively update again soon :)

Kakashi's POV
I sighed, snapping the little orange book in my hands shut as I stared at my unconcious daughter.

Is this fatherhood? Waiting next to a hospital bed for my child to wake up?
This is the second time she's been admitted in the week that she's been in my custody, and I think the nursing staff are questioning my parenting ability...

Her black eyelashes began to flutter, pulling me from my thoughts, before her eyes finally managed to open. A smile tugged at the corner of my lips as I watched the silver haired girl look around the room groggily before focusing her eyes on me.

I began to panic when she started to sit up, and immediately reached out to help her, but she seemed to manage fine on her own causing me to relax back into the wooden chair I had been resting on. This is a good sign, the new medication must be working.

Kida refocused her tired gaze on me, her black eyes that resembled my own had dark smudges beneath them despite her long rest. Her black mask was pulled over the bottom half of her face again, the navy t-shirt she still wore was rumpled and creased, and her silvery-white hair was somewhat dishivelled from resting on the pillow.
All the bandages from her arms and legs had been removed, and the gauze and bandages from her torso were supposed to be taken off today aswell, leaving only bruises and faint pink lines on her skin that would continue to heal. The last of the painkillers she had been scripted had been administered and the drip removed.
Muscle relaxant and pain relief salve had been applied to her major muscles and joints that had previously been exhausted and should be healed enough for her to get out of here... finally.

Kida's soft, croaky voice regained my attention again as she began to speak while lazily scratching the back of her head, unknowingly further messing the silver tangles of bed hair.

"How long have I been out this time?" She questioned almost absent mindedly.

I paused for a moment, looking solemnly at the hands in my lap, my fingers brushing over the textured surface of my book. Before breathing a deep sigh as I made eye contact with Kida's rarely unguarded gaze and replied in a soft, even tone.

"Kida, it's been three years since I carried you out of the forest."

Her hand froze on the back of her head as she stared at me wide eyed and in shock, all previous tiredness gone from her demeanour.

"... just kidding, it's been sixteen hours."

Her features flashed immediately into a deadly glare that, had I not been a trained ninja and former anbu, would have sent me bolting from the room.

"Very amusing Kakashi." She spoke sarcastically, pulling the blankets off herself and swinging her legs over the side of the bed.

"Be careful" I cautioned, getting ready to catch her if she were to fall. But fortunately, she stepped effortlessly down from the bed and stood steadily in front of me. "You're supposed to be allowed outta here today, but if you're still hurting then another couple days in here won't hurt you."

"No! *cough* No, I think I'm ok. I feel completely fine" Kida stood confidently, patting down her shirt and black ninja pants. "Ready to go?" She questioned, gesturing towards the door.

"...Yeah... let's go" I smiled down at her as she tried to hide her excitement from finally getting outta here.

Kida's POV
FINALLY. I'M OUTTA HERE. AND I'M NEVER COMING BACK. My mind was screaming joyously as Kakashi and I emerged from the overwhelmingly disinfectant scented hospital, and stepped into the warm late afternoon sun that illuminated the Leaf Village. My face remained blank, but I can tell by the amused smirk Kakashi keeps sending my way as we walk, that I've been unsuccessful at keeping my joyful inner thoughts from being expressed in my eyes.

My torso felt more free without the bandages constricting my movement anymore and a random nurse had pulled a brush through my hair to 'calm it down'.

I'd managed to pat most of the creases out of my clothes, that I am growing accustomed to as acceptable replacements for my usual attire. And my backpack, katana and weapons pouch were all in their rightful places at my back, hip and thigh which overwhelmed me with a comforting feeling that I hadn't realised was missing.

"So... ramen?" Kakashi asked absently as we walked casually side by side.

I spared him a side glance before smiling lightly beneath my mask and placing my hands in my pants pockets. "Yeah, ramen sounds great right now"

AUTHOR NOTE (again) ok I leave it here for now, I know it's short, but I hope the quality makes up for the quantity... and if I don't update again within 3 days (that would be Monday my time cause it's Friday today) , you have my permission to 'MILDLY HASSLE' or 'AGGRESSIVELY PERSUADE' me to update cause I have a huge procrastination problem and you guys deserve better. Thanks :)

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