26) Disowned...?

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DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO Okkkaaayyyyyy here ya go!! Have another chapter ya little munchkins ^ ^

Kida's POV
I jiggled the door knob just to make sure it wasn't already unlocked, since Kakashi was expecting me. That, and he's an 'elite' ninja so I doubt he even needs to lock his door while he's there...

The walk back had gone quickly since I was busy getting lost in my own thoughts about the two people from the forest. Particularly wondering why they didn't just kill me... But no point stressing about it now I guess, not until they show up again...

Accepting that it is indeed locked, I knocked four times on the hard wooden door and waited for Kakashi to open it.

I waited a minute outside the door with no response, confused I knocked again, harder this time. Still no response. I stepped back from the door and examined the silver plated number on its surface. Yep... definately the right one... I glanced up and down the narrow corridor, but no one was around.

I don't understand. Kakashi was heading home, why wouldn't he be here? ...I don't even have anything on me to pick the lock...

I sighed, deeply frustrated with the situation, and worried about where Kakashi was...

No... wait... Is this his way of kicking me out?
My heart stopped as the panic and hurt hit me like a tsunami.
He doesn't want me around, I've only been a hassle to him since I've been here, I mean the first thing I did was kick him in the shin... Oh god, he has my stuff too! But yeah, mostly concerned about him disowning me...

I knocked on the door again, yelling this time. "Hey Kakashi! I get it! I just need my stuff, then I'll leave if ya want!" My voice cracked at the end, making me angry that something this simple, something I should be used to, was actually having an effect on me.

I waited again, breathing unevenly as I stared at the door, ignoring the warm sting behind my eyes as, once again, no response came. Banging hard on the thick wooden door again, "Hey! Jackass! Open the damn mother f-"


I stopped immediately, my fist raised above me about to strike down on the door again. I slowly turned my head to look further down the hall, only to see Kakashi's silver haired head sticking out of an open doorway further up the corridor.

While his voice sounded amused, the expression he had aimed at me suggested that I looked like the biggest idiot in the building...

He gestured with his hand towards the room he was leaning out of. "We live here now. It has two bedrooms so no one has to sleep on the couch".


My eyes shifted around, checking that there were no witnesses to my unorthodox display, before quickly walking to the door Kakashi was still staring at me from. I quickly slipped past him, not missing the smirk plastered on his masked face.


I quickly took a moment to observe my new surroundings, this apartment was set up almost exactly the same as the other one, except there were two doors leading to bedrooms in the hallway, and the lounge and dining areas were slightly bigger.

Hmm... I like it. I thought turning back to Kakashi, trying to hide my sheepishness from recent events...

Kakashi had closed the door and was looking at me with his arms crossed over his chest, seeming to be observing my reaction to the new place. I just smiled at him from beneath my mask, his smile matching mine in return as he stepped further into the room.

"Your stuffs in your new room. There's only a bed in there for now but we'll work on getting you more stuff aswell as you need them... Clothes and weapons wise aswell, if that's ok with you, just thought you might need more stuff since you'll be staying a while..." He trailed off glancing at me from the corner of his eye.

"...yeah... I guess that would be alright" I spoke quietly glancing around, I don't wanna push my luck with asking for anything, but I know it's rude to turn down offers like that aswell... I'll just get my own stuff as I need it so he doesn't have to worry.

"By the way, I hope the language you were using earlier doesn't reflect your common vocabulary?" Kakashi hinted his disapproval, raising a silver eye brow as he glanced down at me.

"...oh no, definately not, that sort of filth rarely falls from my mouth" I replied in a monotone voice, staring back at him completely straight faced.

He rolled his black eyes at me and sighed before walking towards the kitchen. I'm kinda glad to be sticking around now...

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