23) Shoulda Stayed in Hospital

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DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO I tried guys... Thanks for the votes and comments though :) Please enjoy

Kida's POV

The hot broth burned down my throat as I quickly swallowed the miso ramen that had been placed in front of me. After quickly consuming the heavenly cusine, both Kakashi and I swiftly pulled our masks back over the lower part of our faces.

Sitting on the stools in the vacant ramen shop, apart from the two of us and the man and young woman working behind the counter, Kakashi started speaking over the faint chopping of vegetables and hissing of boiling water.

"The Hokage asked me to give you this" he started as he reached into his vest. "I was supposed to pass it on when you were in the hospital... the first time, but I thought it could wait till you got out." He finished, finally retreving the object from his vest.

I stared down at the headband resting in Kakashi's outstretched hand. A silver plaque with the Leaf insignia engraved on it, attached to a strip of dark blue material, just like Kakashi's. I glanced up at Kakashi's face for a brief moment in an attempt to confirm that the gesture wasn't some kind of trap, but his expression remained blank.

Hesitantly, I reached out and accepted the headband, feeling the smooth material between my fingers as I held it out in front of me. A feeling of serenity washed over me as I focused on the engraved metal, is this really the place I'm supposed to be...

This moment of serenity was immediately shattered when Kakashi decided to open his mouth to speak again.

"By accepting this Leaf headband, you agree to be a part of this village and to protect it and it's people with your life." He deadpanned, looking at me smuggly from the corner of his eye.

My teeth immediately clenched and I sent a glare his way, but the humour in his eyes didn't even phase under my annoyed gaze.

...would have been nice if he'd mentioned that before I took it... but ok, I guess I can work with this.

Sighing lightly, I let the normal neutral expression fall over my face again before reaching up and tieing my newly acquired headband around my head. Positioning the metal part over the center of my forehead and fixing my side fringe again so it fell over half of it and covered my left eye again.

Finishing the adjustment of my new 'responsibility bearing' headband, I turned back to Kakashi only to find him already looking at me. I could tell by the warmth in his eyes that he was smiling. An equally warm feeling began humming through my chest... all of which was shattered by the unnecessary yelling that erupted from someone behind me.


Oh no...

Kakashi looked behind me boredly before his visible eye widened in panic as it shifted between what I'm guessing is 'Uncle Guy', and a shorter person behind me. As he looked back at me, panic and pity in his expression, I lost any and all courage to turn around and face the scene behind me. "I'm sorry Kida, I tried to protect you from this. I managed to keep them both away while you were in the hospital, but your health isn't a usable excuse now that you've been discharged."

Kakashi's POV


I tiredly walked away from Kida's hospital room, leaving Sasuke to 'babysit', as I went to grab some dango to bring back. I sighed as the stress from the last couple of days washed over me momentarily. Finding out I have a daughter, hunting her down, and then Iruka and the Hokage conspiring to kill her... it's exhausting to deal with, and I'm definately not used to dealing with these kinds of situations. Oh how I miss the carefree days, last week, when I wasn't responsible for another life form... well except for my comrades and the Genin. But Kida's different, she's my daughter, and this isn't a ninja mission. I dont know how to take care of her... I need to keep her safe.

Speaking off... As I turned the next corner, I immediately reached my arm out and grasped Guys shirt collar before he could continue slinking through the hospital hallways dangerously close to where my daughter is recuperating. Not that I don't completely disapprove of Guys protectiveness over his newly discovered 'niece', but I don't think she's well enough to deal with him right now... or Lee for that matter who I quickly grasped with my other hand as he tried to continue walking confidently past me. Yes, this isn't our first meeting in the corridors since Kida's hospitalisation...

Guy began speaking as I continued dragging them with me towards the exit, not missing a beat. "Ahh Kakashi, what a surprise. Lee and I just thought now would be a good time to drop in on our darling Kida, s-"


"A nice visit from her favourite Uncle and soon to be new friend-" he indicated innocently to Lee who grinned at me, nodding his head.


"-would really benefit her healing process! So here we are-"

"Definately not. She's resting now and I think it's best if she were completely well again before she has to deal with the pair of you." I deadpanned finally reaching the double exit doors and emerging into the village street before letting go of the green duo.

Both seemed to think over my words for a moment before taking their signature 'thumbs up and grin' poses.

"Very well Kakashi Sensei! We shall wait appropriately until Miss Kida is recovered before I finally get the honour of meeting her!" Lee stated confidently.

I looked at Guy for confirmation, his face didn't hold and signs of dishonesty... but to be safe...

"Very good, Guy, Lee. Now, if you two would like, I'm just on my way to pick up some dango for Kida. I sure could use some help picking some that Kida would like..." I casually suggested.

"Yes!" They both responded in unison, their exstatic auras becoming thick in the air around us.

"Then let's go" I finished before beginning to walk down the street with the overly excited pair... not that I don't trust them, but best to keep an eye on them for now... especially when it comes to Kida.

Flashback End.

Kida's POV

My eyes shifted to the hanging pots behind the counter, allowing me to catch the very green reflection of the people behind me... Very green.... Too much green... No, it's not possible. This can't be, we're my last thoughts before I managed to slowly swing around on the stool, and face my fate.

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