20) I Wasn't Expecting That

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DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO. Thanks for reading :) Sorry for the late update... and sorry if it's short and badly written, feel like my writings really gone to s>. < lately which is immensely unfortunate...

Previously on Hating Old People

Kida left the hospital via the window to chase a mysterious brown creature that was travelling away from the village at a high speed. Kakashi caught up to Naruto in the hallway of the hospital on his way back to Kida's room, which they soon found to be empty. Kakashi was about to begin his persuit with the assistance of the Ninja Hound(s).


The shoes on my feet flopped around slightly as I ran between the trees before jumping skyward into the canopy above me. I continued to leap over the thick branches at a quick pace to catch up to the mysterious brown creature that was still scrambling through the forest ahead.

It's fast, but I'm faster. I need to know what it is!

I continued to leap soundlessly through the canopy, my katana bumping against my hip comfortably as I went, and my sights completely set on the creature I was closing in on.

As I dodged low hanging branches, the jagged movements of the creature ahead of me became more defined as it scrambled hurriedly through the undergrowth below.

I'm closing in on it.

Over my deep, even breathing the sound of the creatures movements reached my ears. Sounds like clacking pieces of... wood? l questioned as I pushed myself to run faster.

I'm almost above of it. My dark eyes narrowed at the creature below me before widening slightly in shocked realisation. Oh, I see...

Eight spidery wooden legs about the length of my forearm, with multiple joints along their lengths scurried effortlessly over the forest floor. Together they held up the rounded wooden body of the creature that seems to have been stained darker over some areas to form more intricate designs on the surface, and possibly add to its camouflaged exterior.

Suspicion and uncertainty swarmed my mind as I tried to decide what to do. I'm still not entirely sure what it is. Is it from this village? Where's it from? Where's it going? What was it doing here? I was too far out to get someone else's opinion on the matter, and if I went back I might not find it again.

There's a chance it's an enemies product, it could have done something in the village, it could have taken something.

It could be from the village and someone's sending it out here as a test or to deliver a message, if that's the case I could be causing problems for Kakashi if I mess with it... but if it is an enemy creation... better not risk it.

A small clearing up ahead catches my attention, the creature was making no adjustments to its course, suggesting it's intention to continue straight through the clearing. This is my chance.

I unsheathed my katana and grasped the leather handle tightly in my hands as I sliced the blade out horizontally in front of my torso, pushing my legs to go faster to close the final distance between me and my target. The soft whistle of metal slicing through the air rung through the vibrant forest surrounding me as I raised the unblemished blade above my head in an attack position, before making the final leap through the trees and into the bright, sun lit clearing.

Weightless, I fell through the air. And ignoring the overturned feeling in my stomach as I plummeted, I kept my blade steadily raised and my serious eyes fixed on the target that had, as estimated, continued travelling through the clearing and was scurrying over the patch of clear grass beneath me.

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