19) Gotta Know

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DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO Thanks for the votes/comments, hope you all like this chapter :) And may we all pray for quicker updates...

Kida's POV

Much to the protest of the drip tube sticking out of my arm, as well as the still recovering wounds and limbs, I leaned slightly out of the bed and peered closer at the creature that was still zigzagging further through the trees heading deeper into the forest.

My eyes strained to see further into the thick forestry outside the window.

There it is again! Something's moving out there. It's small and fast... what the hell is that!?

Subconsciously, I leaned further out of the bed, almost falling out had I not grabbed hold of the IV stand that distributed the painkilling substance through my body. Still keeping my eyes trained on the disappearing 'thing', I stepped out of the bed ungracefully using the IV stand for support and leaned against the window sill.

The brown colour of it should have worked as camouflage against the forestry, but the movement has permanently caught my eye and it's hard not to see it. It can't be an animal, to fast... Damn it! I gotta know!

I carefully removed the IV needle from my arm, estimating a maximum of thirty minutes before the painkillers completely wear off and I'm left with the pain that has been mostly diluted for the past week.

Thankfull for the black ninja pants and navy t-shirt that Sakura had brought in for me, I hurriedly put on Naruto's shoes that had been discarded under the bed.

'Ms Takashima always said to wear shoes when you go outside so your feet don't get cut up, step in something unsanitary, or if you run into an enemy then shoes can be used as a last resort weapon in a fight. I've only resorted to this advice once in a fight, and I'd say it worked fairly well, gave me a chance to run... although I am mildly concerned about when I cross paths with that big, blue, sword swinging beasty again...'

And only barely letting my eyes stray from my target, I retrieved my katana from under the mattress that one of my visitors from the past week had dutifully retrieved for me.

There was no way Iruka could have said no to my request, he owed me for not snitching on him to Kakashi. Sure Kakashi found out anyway, but it's the thought that counts. And after previous events, I'm never going to be without it again... although, considering it was Iruka, maybe better off I didn't have it...

Ok, 30 minutes, nobody will even know I'm gone. I smoothly lifted the window and gracefully jumped to the ground before dashing towards where I could just barely see the brown spazzing creature beginning to dissappear into the distance.

3rd Person POV

'Ahh, what a relief!' Naruto thought to himself as he walked calmly back down the corridor with his hands clasped behind his head relaxingly, and a wide grin spread across his face.

'I can't believe Kakashi Sensei actually asked me to keep an eye on Kida for the today while he took care of some stuff. It's only babysitting, but it's a pretty fun mission! Believe it!'

The silver haired Jonin suddenly appeared beside Naruto, a suspicious, newly purchased orange book in front of his face as he walked casually with one hand in his pocket.

'I normally wouldn't have left this to Naruto, but Sasuke was busy avoiding Sakura and Sakura was busy trying to find Sasuke. And who am I to ruin their plans' The Jonin thought innocently to himself. 'And I don't really want Guy to infect her with his 'youthful' presence, plus he probably would have brought Lee along and I really don't think Kida could handle both at once in her condition. Iruka was the one who put her in hospital, so I wasn't going to ask him. And pretty much everyone else was busy with their teams or on missions... So that left this one...' He continued to ponder before looking away from his book and down at the goofy grinning Genin.

Sudden concern washed beneath Kakashi's calm expression. "So, why aren't you with Kida? " He asked calmly staring blankly at the pages of his book.

"Oh, well I had to go to the bathroom. I left Kida in her room, but don't worry Kakashi Sensei, she was reading when I left and didn't look ready to go anywhere" Naruto replied, still smiling brightly.

Despite the blondes consolations, Kakashi couldn't help but be concerned by the sick feeling in his stomach as he quickened his step towards Kida's hospital room.

Kakashi opened the door to Kida's room and stopped dead in his tracks. His one visible eye widened and his breathing stopped as he stared between the empty bed and the open window. The book dissapeared from his hands as he began frantically searching the room to try and disprove what had obviously transpired.

Naruto stood in the doorway looking confused as Kakashi rushed around the room, uplifting the mattress that, unknown to Naruto and supposedly unknown to Kakashi, had once hidden the katana.

A frustrated "Damn it!" Escaped Kakashi's mouth as he leaned out the window about to call out for Kida thinking she hadn't gotten far before Naruto's next words stopped him.

"...Hey... where'd Kida go?"

A dark aura surrounded the Jonin before he turned slowly with a deadly glare trained at the orange clad boy.

And much like his daughter a few minutes earlier, Kakashi snapped.


"Don't worry Kakashi Sensei" Naruto interjected his Sensei from his nearly incoherent rant as he peered under the bed "She took my shoes so she's fine" he finished, standing up straight again and smiling at his Sensei.

Kakashi just sighed, calming down slightly and focusing on his main priority. Find Kida, bring her back safely. As he leapt out the window, Naruto confusingly following behind him, Kakashi bit into his thumb and pulled out a summoning scroll, a serious expression permenantly etched into his face. We need to find her quickly.

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