13) Extreme Testing Part 2: Home?

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DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO Ok, 3 weeks and just over 1 day since my last update. I'm really, really sorry. I've been doing some other writing and I was kinda dreading writing this chapter cause I had to be in the right emotional state to express it... but I did it, so please enjoy [hope it's not too sad, it was sad for me to write, but that may just be because I'm emotionally attached to the character. Just to be clear, I didn't cry... my eyes just watered a bit... but the tears didn't spill over so it doesn't count.].

And thanks for all the views, votes, comments and follows :) Cya.

WAIT WAIT WAIT WARNING. After concluding this chapter, I feel obliged to warn you that it may be emotionally damaging. If you fall easy to emotions, or are an easy crier then I recommend that you wait until you're somewhere private to read this chapter so you won't be judged for crying or having some kind of mental breakdown in public. If you're on some kind of public transport, or in a public place [particularly schools] then for god's sake wait till you get home and probably make sure you have some kind of chocolate supply in your household before proceeding. If you're harder to make cry or have sold your tear ducts for cash or chocolate [yes Lissa this refers to you] then go for it.

*** *** ***

That's when I heard it.

Something I haven't heard for a while now.

The soft calling of that damn old lady.

"...Kida. Come help me..."

I snapped my head in the direction of the voice, frowning in confusion and my breath hitching as I interpreted the words being called out to me and confirmed who that soft, delicately graveled voice belonged to.

"...Ms Takashima?"

*** *** ***

The lush greenery of the forest that had been closing in on me disappeared and was replaced with vast paddocks filled with long yellowing wheat grass that reached my hips. I looked around confusedly, taking in the rolling hills of pastures and the surrounding forested mountains. The clean air of the rural environment around me was laced with the earthy scent of soil and the musky aroma of the wheat that swayed around me as I stood in the middle of the paddock.

I reached around me and was shocked at being able to feel the long smooth stalks brush over my hand; I plucked one of the soft, light brown wheat heads and rubbed it between my fingers, watching the small seeds float away in the same light breeze that blew strands of silver hair over my face as it swirled around me.

I could have sworn I was in a forest... What's going on?

"Kida! Come help me with this please!" Her voice was louder now, and clear as the blue cloudless sky that stretched out above me. But it seemed to come from all different directions, I couldn't pinpoint its exact direction. Anxiety and adrenalin rushed through me as I looked around frantically for where she was calling me from. I haven't heard her voice in so long. I spotted the farm house in the distance and made a mad dash for it.

Sprinting through the wheat field trying not to stumble on the uneven ground, I finally made it to the fence separating the paddock from the large yard that surrounded the house. Without a second thought I leaped over the fence and barrelled towards the small wooden house, my heart beating louder with every stride closer I got to home. Home?

The dirtied white colour of the peeling paint that coated the panels of woods of the small farm house was just as I remembered it. The rustic green tin roof, curling slightly at the sides from the strong winds that came with the stormy season, stretched out from the walls and rested on wooden beams around the edges to make up the roof of the veranda, and shadowing the light brown wooden panels of the deck in the afternoon light.

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