12) Extreme Testing: Part 1.5 [Iruka]

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DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO Updated twice in one day... haven't done that in a while... Enjoy :) Cya

Iruka's POV

It didn't take me too long to find Kida after I left the Hokage's office. She was walking deeper into the forest on the outskirts of the village, which was convenient considering what I was about to do for the Hokage.

I positioned myself in some bushes a few metres away in the direction she was walking in. Her face was buried in her little green book, curious, I strained to read the cover. My mouth dropped and my eyes bulged. I recognised it as a romance novel recommended for teenagers 15+, I've heard it has some graphic scenes for more *cough* *cough* advanced teenage readers. She's 12! She shouldn't be reading that kind of novel for at least another 3 years! Well... like father like daughter... I guess I should be grateful that she hasn't got 'Icha Icha Paradise' in her hands.

I'd only been in this hiding spot for a few short moments before she suddenly looked right at where I was crouched low in the bushes. I quickly transformed and got ready to attack as soon as she looked away.

I really wish I didn't have to do this...

*** *** ***

She deflects weapons well and her hand to hand combat is quite advanced for her age. When she had that kunai at my back, I was genuinely worried, she disabled my attack for real. But I intended for my words to make her uneasy so I could get out of it, which I knew worked when her hands faltered on my arms.

She was quick to throw the kunai at my hand and disarm me, I felt the pain in my hand before I even realised she threw it.

*** *** ***

As we engaged in tai jutsu, she kept upping her speed and strength to match mine whenever I went up a level. Her blows were swift and sure as she drove her fists and feet at any part of my flesh that wasn't defended well enough or that I couldn't dodge in time.

I could feel the bruising in my midsection and legs where she was landing most of her blows, I'm guessing that may be because she can't reach any higher without being to undefended. But she's holding her own. She's deflecting a lot of my punches and kicks but from her breathing I can tell the hits I've landed are taking a toll, but so are her on me.

I'm not challenging her enough with hand to hand combat. It's time to move on.

*** *** ***

Time for more weapons testing. I jump back into the bushes and move to her right, creating clones to be in front and to the left of her. She looked around suspiciously, backing up closer to tree behind her. We all attacked with our weapons at the same time.

She jumped into the air which I expected, but I was surprised when she threw kunai at the 3 exact spots that myself and my clones had been. I heard the clones disappear and I narrowly avoided being stabbed by the kunai that whizzed past my head. The bushes rustled around me, so I jumped out and immediately went for her again.

From her spot in the tree, she evaded my punch and somehow landed a kick in my back which sent pain through my upper body and caused the bruises she had previously left on me to flair again.

I stared up at her from my spot on the ground as she glared at me from her branch. If I'm going to complete this mission right, I really need to challenge her. She's kept up with me exceptionally so far, it's time to take this to the next level.

I feel bad for beating on a kid, but the Hokage thinks this is necessary.

*** *** ***

"Fire Style: Fire Bullet Jutsu" I yelled sending the bright orange flames into the tree she was in. The flames erupted as they hit the surfaces of the tree and ran along the branches.

Oh s>.<t. Too much next level.

Did it hit her? Did she dodge it? Where is she?

I looked into the fire as it spread through the tree. The fire obstructed my sight as it sped towards the tree, I didn't see where she went.

Is she dead? Did I kill her?

Oh God, I've killed Kakashi's daughter.

Kakashi is going to kill me.

I stared in the flames in shock and fear for Kida's safety. The flames were too hot, I couldn't get any closer. The fire had already spread to two of the neighbouring trees and the smoke was thick and black as it obscured my vision.

I can't find her with the flames still blazing. S>.<t s>.<t s>.<t.

Coming to my senses, I made the hand signs for the "Water Style: Water Bullet Jutsu!" And as the fire was being extinguished, my mind went into over drive.

I'm burning down the forest.

The Hokage's going to kill me.

I didn't want to do this, I'm not this kind of teacher.

I wanted to teach the Will of Fire to the next generation, not incinerate them with it!

I may have killed Kakashi's daughter.

Kakashi's going to kill me.

I've killed my comrade's child and a prospectful student of mine.

What have I done?

*** *** ***

When the flames were fully extinguished, I frantically searched the area for Kida. Being unsuccessful, I quickly transported into the Hokage's office, not bothering to knock and transforming back into myself. I rushed to the desk and peered into the orb that still rested there as the Hokage continued to look into it.

I sighed in relief as the orb showed me an image of Kida running through the forest.

" Hokage, Sir, I think she's been tested enough. She's been through too much already, I don't think she needs to follow this kind of testing, it's nothing short of cruel." I pleaded with the Hokage from across the desk.

The Hokage seemed to consider my notion for a moment before sighing and saying in a regretful, yet stern voice. "I'm sorry Iruka, but you must continue the test. I know this isn't how you do things but it is necessary to determine her future. If you don't complete her testing then I may have to ask Ibiki to continue for you."

If Ibiki took over, he may take it even farther than I did with the fire... No. I've got to follow this through.

"I understand Sir, I'll get back to it" I replied emotionlessly transforming back into my disguise form.

"Iruka, I've asked everyone to stay out of that area of the forest, your fire caught quite a bit of attention. She doesn't seem to know where she's going either, but if she does make it back to the village then don't pursue her any longer. Also, try going deeper, Kida hasn't quite tapped into her full potential as a ninja yet and this may be what she needs to unlock it."

I nod shortly before transporting back into the forest again in search of Kida.

*** *** ***

When I finally caught up to her she was slumped against a tree, breathing heavily and looking disappointedly towards the ground near her.

I guess it's time for gen jutsu. I thought sadly as I looked at her worn out form.

I was crouched on one of the more shadowed branches of a tree. Suddenly her eyes flickered around and she straightened herself into a defensive position, all signs of tiredness gone.

As her eyes wandered around for the threat, I cast the gen jutsu. I don't know exactly what it would show her, it's different for every person it's cast on. It's one of the less torturous gen jutsu's but it can be one of the cruelest depending on what it is the person see's. It shows the person what they want to see. Whether what they want to see is still possible in life for them is what determines the jutsu's cruelty.

Her eyes focused on a spot in the forest line away from me. She looked confused. I wondered what she was seeing to get that reaction. I heard her whisper so quietly that I barely heard it, her voice quaking and breaking slightly at the end from the raw emotion expressed in her short words. "Ms Takashima"

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