Izuku Meets a Young Nerd

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It had only been two days since Izuku had last seen his new friend, Kurogiri, but he missed him. His burns don't hurt as much anymore since Kurogiri had put the ointment on them. But he still wishes to see him again. Just yesterday, he tried to venture into the part of town where he ran into him, but he didn't know how he ended up there in the first place.

So now, Izuku sat by the koi fish pond after school, saddened that he might get to see his friend again. He stuck his hand into the pond, letting the fins of the gentle fish glide against his skin. He smiled while eating the last of his sandwich, wiping the crumbs off into the grass.

He stood up to readjust his backpack straps on his shoulder. Izuku looked up to the window of his classroom, thinking that he should maybe go inside early to work on his assigned homework.

"Hey, Deku!" One of Bakugo's groupies called out.

Izuku turned around to see the winged boy and the boy with the finger quirk that helped beat him up several days before. The same day that Kurogiri took care of his wounds.

Izuku thought quickly, taking notice that they were still a good distance away. Throwing a glance behind him, Izuku started to run with his tiny legs out of the schoolyard.

"Hey. Come back here, Deku!" The winged boy called out.

Izuku wouldn't turn around, he just kept running. He didn't exactly know where he was, all he knew was that he was somewhere in between the park and his elementary school. With their voices close behind him, Izuku ducked into an alleyway.

Izuku tried to calm his breaths as he heard the two voices screaming for him to come out. Izuku tucked himself into a ball. Then, he heard approaching footsteps coming up to his curled position. Izuku feared the worst before he heard a familiar voice beckon to him.

"Midoriya-kun? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in school? The time suggests so." Kurogiri said, placing his misty hand on top of Izuku's head.

Izuku looked up with glistening eyes and cheered, "Giri-san!" Izuku's eyes widened before covering his mouth as he heard a voice call out. He tightened his hold on his backpack, analyzing that he could use it as a defense weapon.

Kurogiri looked up when he heard the loud voice coming close to their location. He at first believed it was Izuku's friends that he was simply playing a hide and seek game with. But then he noticed how they called out Deku instead of Izuku, their tones promising something other than fun. He noticed how Izuku has flinched when he noticed their footsteps coming closer.

"Midoriya-kun, do you trust me?" Kurogiri asked, holding out his hand.

Izuku looked up to him before taking his hand, "Yes, we are friends."

"Good," Kurogiri said before warping then back to the bar.

Leaving two clueless idiots to head back to school since the lunch was ending soon


Izuku clenched his eyes tight when he felt himself become enveloped in a strange feeling of being teleported somewhere. But when his feet finally touched onto the hardwood floor, he opened his eyes.

"Woah!" Izuku exclaimed in amazement at the bar. "It so cool looking."

"One moment, let me brighten the lights for you," Kurogiri said, turning on some lights to make an Izuku more comfortable. "Ah, much better."

"Thank you," Izuku said, trying to get up onto one of the barstools to reach the table.

Kurogiri chuckled before helping him up. "Thanks again."

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