Two Funerals, one official...other not so much

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A few days later, the Bakugo family watched as Inko's elegant coffin was finally buried. Mitsuki cried into her husband's shoulder as he tried to comfort her with the silent tears going down his own cheeks. Katsuki watched as his auntie's resting place was placed six feet under.

The detective had told them that the security cameras footage they had uncovered showed Izuku being taken. He went into detail that there was a man made our purple smoke that seemed to speak to the late Inko before taking Izuku's unconscious body with him. They have no audio of the incident, but the police ruled it as a kidnapping. So Izuku was hurt I; the accident and kidnapped. They had no idea if Izuku was still alive, but they had hope that the young boy was still alive.

Katsuki glared hard into the hole where Inko's coffin was. He made a promise to get Izuku back from whoever had him and bring him back. The police were trying to look for him as the funeral was planned. Katsuki glanced back to see the white haired man in a tuxedo suit behind them. He stood away from them, but not so far for Katsuki to see the wetness on his cheeks.

His mother had been so upset to see him when they first arrived at the funeral house. She began shouting at him outside with all of them dressed in black about how he dared to show up now. Katsuki guessed that it was Uncle Hisashi, Izuku's father. Masaru sighed to himself, mumbling about how it was shameful that he only came now because of the funeral and not when Inko truly needed him. Mitsuki started complaining about how he was only there for the money in the will only for him to say that he wasn't there for any money at all. Masaru eventually calmed the fighting down since Inko wouldn't want it.

Katsuki watched as the man came closer to drop a single red rose onto the coffin. Hisashi stayed silent as he bowed his head in respect towards the coffin. Katsuki saw how the man's face was covered in tears with a sorrowful expression on his face. Before his mother could say anything else, Katsuki watched as the man walked away softly.

"Screw him. Inko could have done much better than him," Mitsuki mumbled from her husband's shoulder. Masaru nodded while he rubbed her shoulder in comfort. Masaru kissed his wife's head before squeezing Katuki's hand.

Without any of them paying attention, the man used one of his quirks to transport himself quickly away from them. And then once he was truly away from sight, he shed more tears for his late wife. All for One was heartbroken. He found out that his wife was dead from debris caused by a villain that he hasn't heard anything about. Which makes him wonder how secure the prison they are holding him in is. Maybe he could pay them an unwelcome visit before heading back to the lair.

No matter. What does matter is where his son is. All that he heard about was that his son was kidnapped. Maybe he could send Kurogiri away to find a boy named Midoriya Izuku. Maybe. But for now, he needs to dry his tears and face down his wife's killer


Somewhere in a Musutafu prison cell awaiting transfer, a man sat with quirk restraining cuffs. The alarm didn't sound fast enough to account for the mysterious man showing up out of nowhere. The policemen in charge weren't nearly as fast enough to stop the prisoner from escaping with a white haired man who brought a portal in the ground.

"Kurogiri, thanks for the lift. I'll report to you another mission once I'm done with this," All for One said into the phone as the villain adjusted to their surroundings. He watched as the villain tried to get the cuffs off of himself to no success.

Kurogiri hummed over the phone, "Understood, Sir. Aftwards, I need to inform you about something."

"Alright. See you, Kurogiri," All for One answered back with a curious tone. Now what on earth could Kurogiri have to tell him? Maybe Tomura was missing him by any chance? He has been gone an entire week without showing his face at the bar. Maybe it had something to do with the friend Kurogiri said he made. What was his name again? All Tomura referred to him as was 'Player 2'.

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