The Big Fight with 'Toxic Chainsaw' and All Might

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2 years later.

Ash is just as playful as always. And she loves to rub on Tomura's face when he plays games to distract him and let Izuku win. Tomura believes that Izuku had trained her to do that to make him lose.

Tomura liked to pretend to be all annoyed by the cat, but Izuku knows how much Tomura is wrapped around Ash's paw. No matter how late in the night it was when Ash escapes Izuku's bed, Tomura will let her into his bedroom because he always kept it unlocked just for the cat to come barging in at night.

No matter how hard he tried to convince Izuku that he wasn't soft, it wasn't very convincing since he was playing with the cat with his other hand.

After Izuku became eight, his birthday wish was to start learning how to do Kurogiri's job so he could help him out. At first, Kurogiri was hesitant because an eight year old wanted to learn how to be a bartender in a shady bar. But he reluctantly agreed later on when Izuku gave him puppy dog eyes.

So Kurogiri had started to 'train' Izuku to attend to the bar which was more like teaching him what he could and could not touch until he was older. He taught him about non alcoholic drinks that he could make by combing sparkling water or soda and other juices.

Izuku was so happy to finally learn how to make a soda float. He used that lesson when Tomura had failed for the fifth time against a huge boss of a video game he was playing. Kurogiri watched as Izuku shot up from his seat and made two soda floats for both of them.

He still had the picture somewhere of the two of them in front of a paused game screen while stuffing their faces with ice cream and cherry soda.


"And strike," All for One instructed the boys who were holding their own against mannequin dummies with dull fencing swords.

Shigaraki striked the body with a few stabs to the chest with a steady indifferent look in his eyes as he faced down the fake opponent. Izuku accidentally knocked the head off with the combination of the force he put behind the swing and the upwards motion.

Each day, the boys went through some kind of training to prepare for the future. Half of the time was spent independently from one another. Izuku trained with Kurogiri by teaching him basic skills like a small amount of medical training. But Kurogiri also teleported Izuku to fights between heroes and villains from far enough away to not be noticed so he could harness his analysis skills even more. If he couldn't bring him, he would bring the small child videos of fights so Izuku could learn from them.

All for One made sure he watched over Shigaraki's training personally, keeping it away from Midoriya to not let him see the amount of damage that his successor did. He could only hide so much of a dead body before the blood stains would give them away.

So Midoriya was always kept out of Shigaraki's quirk training even when he begged since he wanted to help his brother by analyzing.

And when Shigaraki wasn't learning to use his quirk to his advantage, he was training with his younger brother in different exercises.

Sometimes they would face off against each other in a good game of rough housing. When they started out, they both had pillow armor to protect themselves from falls until they learned how to take a fall gracefully. And when that happened, the pillows came off and the protective knee and elbow guards came in.

Did some fighting end with bruises? Yes. Did Izuku keep learning how to beat Shigaraki after learning the patterns in his fighting? Of course. Was Shigaraki constantly changing his technique because of that? Absolutely.

Izuku's older brother blew the hair out of his face to look at the older man, "Why are we using fencing swords instead of knives?"

"You need to learn how to wield different lengths to make sure you aren't out of your league in any future fights," All for One answered while he heard Izuku whisper an apology to the mannequin head before shoving it back on the foam and plastic body. He looked over right in time to see Ash pounced in the mannequin, taking it down to the ground with her. "Learning how to use long swords such as this fencing sword will allow you to duel with thinner or lightweight weapons easily."

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