Kurogiri Makes a Promise

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Izuku and his mother was just going to the mall on a simple shopping trip. Izuku had begged his mom for them to go to the big shopping center, so he could looked at the new merchandise inside the hero store. Inko made him promise to wait until after groceries to go inside the store, to which Izuku happily agreed while he practically vibrated with excitement.

Inko fondly rolled her eyes at her son's excitement after they left the grocery store.

"Yay! Yay! Yay!" Izuku chanted with a bounce to his step.

"You excited?" Inko asked with a laugh.

Izuku turned to his mother with stars in his eyes, "Am I?! They are going to have all new stuff for the season. Like, um, Gang Orca and Best Jeanist stuff."

"Are you excited to see the new All Might toys?" Inko asked.

"Yes!" Izuku answered loudly.

Inko laughed softly, "Well, we still have to walk a bit more to the hero store. Hold my hand sweetie. I don't want to lose you in this big mall."

"Okay, Mommy!" Izuku agreed, holding on tight to his mom's hand.

Inko smiled at her son before hearing a huge crash from behind her. All at once, screams from a horde of people filled her ears as she watched them run away in the direction she was going. She turned around to see a huge cement like monster that was swinging his arms at the walls and ceiling of the mall.

Izuku looked worried as he looked over his shoulder, only feeling a bit of relief when he saw heroes actively pursuing him. Inko didn't want to take any chances as she scooped up Izuku into her arms. She hurriedly started running with the others, dodging out of the way of the different people around her.

She heard the shouting of heroes that were ordering the villain to stand down and the crashing of windows of the stores all around her. There was concrete dust, glass shards, and who knows what flying in the air as she ran.

Izuku held on tightly to his mother's pink cardigan as she ran with all her Might to escape the villain. Inko breathed heavily as she took a turn to get away from the massive horde of people to rest her lungs a little.

She took heaving breaths as she set Izuku down to check him over just in case none of the debris flying around them had hit him. She had stopped under an awning with a blinking sign above it declaring that the store sells shoes.

"Thank goodness, you are okay." Inko says, checking him for scratches of any kind.

"Mommy?" Izuku looked at his mom with worry in his eyes.

Inko smiled, "Everything's going to be okay, Izuku."

"Momma...?" Izuku asked as Inko heard a loud crack from above them.

They both looked up to see huge chunks of debris and concrete falling towards them.

Inko realized the horror that was about to come. She wasn't fast enough to get up for her kneeling position on the ground, pick up Izuku and run off. She couldn't where the chunks were falling towards them in record speed. She knew that it was too late to escape, Inko pulled her son close to her with a desperate yell of his name, "Izuku!"

Inko hugged her son to her tightly before she quickly pushed him out of the way.

Izuku fell back with a thud as she heard the concrete chunk take out the awning above them along with the sign. Inko braced herself for the impact while Izuku cried out weakly for her only to get knocked unconscious from a corner of the shop sign falling on his head

Unbeknownst to everyone , a mother saved her son from the brunt of the debris.

Well, almost everyone.

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