Calming for a Victim

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The room was silent as Izuku looked back at them in confusion, "What?"

The pro heroes faces were still fixed on him for any amount of hesitation or change in his body language. The cheerful faces shown on television were gone as they stared at him. Snipe's voice was raspy through his gas mask. "That's your name, right?"

"Um, yes? I just go by Izuku," He said honestly. If they had DNA, it would be a waste to say his name was Yuko or Sakura. Wait, they know his name. And he is stuck in an interrogation with a whole staff of pro heroes.

Oh no.

What is the best approach to this situation?

He can't just tell them the entire plan. They might just write him off as a villain and throw him in jail. Well, that actually might be better since his brother can probably just warp to him.

Wait, he actually won't know which jail he is in. And knowing the heroes, they would be prepared for something like that and then everyone would be captured because of him.

Dammit. How is he supposed to get out of here?

Can he ask to go to the bathroom and put in a costume to get out? No, Principal Nedzu would have plenty of cameras that would be trained on him. He won't be able to escape so easily if he was under their watch.

"What is your knowledge of the attack?" Nedzu asked, eerily calm. Present Mic was watching him seriously, there was no hint of a smile on the radio DJ personality and pro hero.

"I don't know much about it. It was supposed to go a different way from what the leader... his name..." Izuku bit down on his lips as he forced the word through his mouth. "Shigaraki. That's what he said. I didn't want to call him that."

"Was that why you called out Tenko?"

Dammit, he shouldn't have yelled that. He could have gotten his attention another way, but now the heroes know some part of Tenko's identity. "Yep," Izuku nodded.

Nedzu continued to stare at him with a serious look on his fluffy face. "And what was the end goal?"

"To kill All Might," He pursed his lips and shrugged while the pro heroes glanced at each other from the surprising answer. "I don't know what he wanted with the other students."

It was partly true. He said he would rather the other teens stay out of this since their goal was to target society as a whole from one of the main sources. He could only assume that his brother's threats were more to scrape the adults into behaving accordingly since no good teachers would risk their student's lives.

Wait, there was one option he could take that will give the bare info they want and will make them see him as less of a threat.

The victim route. God, he needed to really remember the tests he did with his grandfather to learn how to manipulate situations into his own gain.

"Was any of the other heroes there on the kill list?" Midnight asked. The R-rated hero was so serious to a point where the whip on her hip looked more like a weapon than just a part of her sadistic persona.

"No, I think they were only supposed to be hurt to a point where they could help. So, you know, All Might wouldn't have backup," Izuku opened up a bit. Just a tiny bit would be enough to hold them or at least he helped. "I feel bad that 13 and Eraserhead were hurt so severely. I'm a huge fan of Eraserhead so it was hard to see him like that even from far away."

The principal looked away from him towards the man in a trench coat behind him. "Detective?"

"Everything he said was true," the detective confirmed as he stared at the side of his face that he could see. The blonde man next to him coughed heavily making the detective turn back to him and thump his hand against his back.

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