Our Plan

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"Remember to use gentle motions with this particular glass. It is more fragile compared to the other glasses I have set at the bar," Kurogiri explained as he instructed Izuku through the proper way to clean each glass. Izuku watched his movements, trying to mimic them as he cleaned off the minimal dust that had gathered on the crystal-like glass.

He had never been trusted to clean the more fragile glasses before, only allowed to wash off the shot and wine glasses from previous training. Izuku assumes that because he is fifteen, he is old enough to take care of the more precious items that Kurogiri keeps safe.

And he could finally get started on making alcoholic drinks under his tutelage.

Kurogiri showed him a secret place behind the bar that held thing that he has kept safe ever since Kurogiri started watching over—

Suddenly, the bar hideout's door slammed open to reveal the frizzy blue hair of his older brother. Tenko slid into view with his hooded civilian disguise on with no sight of hands except for a hair clip that Izuku had made for him peeking out of the hood.

It was just a simple silver clip with plastic hands covering it. Izuku stared at him with the glass in his hands, tightening his grip when his older brother shouted, "All Might is supposed to be teaching at UA this year!"

"Master Shimura, please be careful with your shouting. I'm teaching Izuku about the delicate care of the more fragile items," Kurogiri chastised blandly as the young adult approached the bar with a wicked grin.

"Sorry," Shimura apologized without dropping his excited grin, jumping onto a bar stool. He spun in a slow circle from the bar stool spinning, dropping down to sit on the rotating stool, "But don't you get what this means?"

"I mean, it sounds weird," Izuku responded with confusion. "Why is the symbol of peace suddenly teaching?" His face twisted into even more confusion at the idea of the hero being so open about the news. "And why would he be so open about it too? He is putting a target on UA if that is the case."

"That's what I thought as well. All I can say is the number one hero is somehow still confident in his abilities. Even if he seems to be showing up less and less as time goes on," Shimura grinned while leaning onto the bar table. "But I talked with Sensei after I heard about the news today. And he says that this is the perfect time to strike against him."

Tenko spun around to face his little brother with an excited grin, his hood falling off completely to showcase his clipped back hair. "Brother, we can finally take the number one hero down!"

Izuku's eyebrows furrowed in concern as Kurogiri slowly took the crystal glass out of his hands with a sigh. "What do you mean, Tenko?"

"Sensei has been working with the doctor to create perfect weapons that will match and even overpower the number one hero in strength," Tenko explained while gesturing with his hands like it was illustrating an invisible plan in the air "Which means we can finally take down the symbol of peace."

"Ah, the nomu," Izuku frowned at the reminder while Kurogiri walked into the back door to start organizing as the two talked. "Sorry, I almost completely forgot about them."

Izuku wishes he could forget about them. He really despised the creepy doctor even as the years went on. And when the mustached doctor showed them his inhuman experiments, he almost threw up his breakfast that day.

The nomu he saw had a blank expression plastered across their face with a terrifying beak of stretched bone and an exposed brain that did nothing to comfort him. If the doctor and grandfather made a nomu to win against All Might, he really didn't want to look at it.

Tenko frowned, "I don't blame you. They are not exactly pleasing to look at. But they are one of the keys to bringing down the hero society." Tenko looked at his brother with an amused gleam in his eyes before he started to break down the plan he always likes to talk about. "The nomu is only one part to bring down the heroes in great numbers after the number one hero is finished with. Then, Sensei will be there to guide us," Tenko glitter his head towards him. "And the most important key players are?"

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