Successors and Things

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"What do you mean I can't join in?"

The room was quiet as Shigaraki and Izuku stood before the television with two faces looking back at them through a split screen. Kurogiri waited behind them in silence, not interjecting for a single moment as Ash took a nap somewhere on the couches.

"Explain to me how exactly my brother can't join in this fight," Shigaraki ordered from the doctor who was watching him through the dark screen. "We planned this takedown together. I won't leave him behind."

The doctor said nothing which left an awkward pause in the room in which Kurogiri coughed to break the silence. "Doctor?"

The doctor audibly sighed, "It is an undeniable truth that Izuku provides excellent protection with his shield as a defense. But the nomu that will come with you can protect you a lot more with its combined quirk. I am just suggesting having your brother as a backup if things were to turn sideways."

Shigaraki raised an eyebrow at the doctor through the screen as they continued with his explanation, "That way, Izuku can join in the fight when he is absolutely needed. If nothing happens, he will be waiting safe at home for your return. But if something does, I have no doubt that Kurogiri will bring him right to the scene for his help."

"Sensei, what do you think of this?" Shigaraki asked.

The scarred man on the screen hummed before he answered, "I can see the reasoning being his answer. And I have no doubt that this plan will end successfully in one way or another. Any information gathered from the experience will be helpful."

"So that means Izuku can come on this mission?"

"Hmm," Something unreadable flashed across All for One's face on the screen. The lack of eyes gave a way to more subtle body movements such as the twitch of his nose or a slight curling to his lip.  "I will agree to these terms."



All for One continued, "It will be wise to have some kind of backup waiting in there wings in any attack you might have," While it would be good to have him there, the doctor's nomu should be strong enough combined with a Kurogiri to offer the defensive position you need."

Shigaraki tried to say, "But—!"

"Okay then. I will wait at the bar and take care of Ash until I'm called in," Izuku replied.

Shigaraki leaned in to whisper to his brother, covering his mouth, so the doctor wouldn't read his lips. "You are a part of this plan just as much as me."

"No matter what's our own personal opinion, Ten-Chan, the doctor provides a decent explanation for this reasoning," Izuku lowered his voice when he directed his answer towards his brother. He cleared his throat before addressing the two others on the screen. "I agree to being the backup so I may provide help when needed for the League's plan."

"Good," The doctor responded.

All for One chuckled, "Do your best in their attack to show them that the league is the one they should all fear."

"Yes, Sensei," Shigaraki answered with Izuku following the same farewell right before the screen was turned off by Kurogiri.

"Hmm," Kurogiri hummed, placing the remote to the communication television right on a small table in the training area. "It is rather unfortunate that Izuku won't be able to join us at first. But I'm sure everything will work out during the attack."

"I  don't care. I'll just call on you five minutes after we start. Simple," Shigaraki states with a shrug, making Izuku laugh. He bit down on a smirk as he drew his younger brother into a side hug. 

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