Nothing Goes According to Plan

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On the day of the invasion, the bar was actually filled with people.

A crowd of thugs, minor villains that were D-listers at best, and petty thieves that would be the quantity they needed for the attack.

Tomura stood on the couch that had been pushed against the wall to face the crowd of unruly guests. He wore hands over his body along with arms and two on his face and head, making him appear sinister to every stranger inside the bar. Izuku watched as his brother faced the guests in silence before the hard hitter walked into the room, making everyone else go silent.

The nomu the doctor provided was staring with empty eyes at the crowd inside the bar. Kurogiri was standing beside the couch as Tomura cleared his throat to bring attention to him.

Izuku watched from behind his spot at the bar with Ash sleeping in one of the boxes on the sleeve behind the bar.

"I would say thank you for coming, but we all know why everyone is really here. To fight against the heroes," Tomura started, looking out at the crowd of people in the bar.

The crowd cheered at his words. One man with a fish head waved his spines in the air like they were at a rave. People were spread out throughout the entire floor with some sitting in the stairs along the wall.

"The only thing that everyone ends up doing is fighting against the heroes that are there and the hero students that will be there," Tomura stared out into the crowd, the hand over his face obscuring his expression from the crowd. "I don't care what you do out there as long as you hold back the other heroes there so my nomu will take care of All Might."

As if in cue, the nomu screeched, alerting everyone back to the monster with the exposed brain standing right next to the young adult.

"One more point to make: the bar trainee that is standing behind the bar..."

A lot of the eyes turned to Izuku to stare at him. He was wearing the normal formal suit uniform that Kurogiri got for him. But he had a bit of his vigilante gear on as well like his mask, his utility belt and his gloves. He would change into more of his vigilante costume when all the men went through the portals.

"He will join in the fight halfway through, so do not mistake him for a hero student and try to hurt him. If you do," Tomura held out a hand as Kurogiri placed a glass into his hand. He clenched the gals with all five of his fingers, letting the ash flow through his fingers onto the ground below him. "Understand?"

The crowd didn't say anything. But Izuku looked up just in time to see one of the tall men visibly swallow at the unsaid threat.

"Good. Now as soon as the time comes, Kurogiri will open several portals for everyone to step through," his brother continued. "There is only a few minutes left until it officially starts."

The crowd started to mumble with each other, thugs started comparing either their muscles or the weapons they had brought with them. As the minutes passed, Izuku kept an eye on the time as the noise from the low level villains started to become loud white noise.

When it was time, Izuku raised his head to face his brother on the other side of the room, "It's time, Tomura!"

His brother nodded as Kurogiri started to get into position, he listened as his brother allied back attention to himself as Kurogiri made a few portals appear. The last thing he saw was his brother waving at him before disappearing along with Kurogiri. And as more portals formed, the villains started to charge into them like they were heading for the battle of a lifetime.

Now that the others were disappearing into the portals, he had plenty enough time to change and wait for his time to come. Izuku sighed as he watched the crowd push against each other to charge through the portals.

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