Reconciliation & Murder

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It had been tense between the two brothers since their fight that night. Kurogiri did not know how to assist them in reconciling with each other through his own action, so he reported back to All for One to tell him what had happened.

But All for One did not look surprised, "Ah, so that's why the last few training sessions have felt a bit off. Has Tomura reached out to you and said anything about it?"

"No, sir. But I did talk to Izuku. He doesn't know what is happening except the fact that Tomura seems to be angry at him for some unknown reason and distancing himself," Kurogiri replied. His yellow eyes narrowed when staring directly into the scarred face of All for One, right where his eyes were. "Surely you have noticed that he spends more time at the training area."

"Indeed, I have. I have no recollection of ever ordering him to do so, he is doing it on his own accord," All for One answered through the screen. The speaker crackled near the end of his sentence.

"Sir, if you don't fix this between the two. I can and I will," Kurogiri straightened up and faced down his supervisor through the screen.

"Don not fret, Kurogiri. I will get through to young Tomura," All for One explained. He chuckled in a low tone. "He just needs a reminder of where his role truly lies."

Kurogiri paused, feeling something stir within his chest and within his mind. Trying to push back against the easygoing tone that All for One had when addressing the situation. With a nod, he turned away with a surge of protectiveness filling the front of his mind.


Tomura punched the sandbag in front of him, curling his fingers tightly into a fist to protect his fingers from the sandbag and to protect the equipment from disintegrating.

Izuku had cut his physical training short already from Kurogiri taking him away to go to the weekend market in Hosu. Looking back, Izuku had only let out a short shout as a farewell with only Ash responding with a hearty meow from the gaming couch.

"Tomura, I want you to pause your training. I would like to have a chat with you," All for One called out from the television speakers.

Tomura looked over at the screen before stepping away from the punching bag. He tightened the straps on his gloves as he stared at the screen mounted on the wall. "Yes, Sensei."

"Tomura," All for One began easily. "I need you to respond to me honestly about what I am going to ask."

"What is it?" Tomura asked uneasily, trying to figure out if his form was incorrect.

"Why have you been focusing more on training? Not that, I'm upset with you," All for some clarification, noticing how withdrawn Tomura suddenly became, shrinking back from the screen. He couldn't see Tomura, but he could sense through one of his quirks on how Tomura's body moved backwards in the training room. "I have been noticing how you spend more time here than you usually do. I just need to know why the sudden behavior change."

Tomura furrowed his brows at the screen, "You said I was your successor."

"Yes, I did," All for One didn't smile or frown. His lips were like a horizontal line, waiting for Tomura to say something. "But that doesn't answer my question."

"I have been training more since you got hurt from your last battle with All Might," Tomura answered directly, not wanting to upset his Sensei. "Since you have been injured so badly, I need to prepare to handle whatever others may throw our way. To show that you have no weakness for others to exploit."

"That is rather intelligent of you to be thinking so far ahead in the future. But you must not worry about such things until more time has passed," All for One paused as Tomura frowned. "So you must focus on your regular training schedule just as Izuku."

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