All for One Visits Old Memories

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In less than a minute, All for One was transported back at his old apartment that he shared with his late wife. With a dejected sigh, he picked the lock to get inside the apartment that his family had been living in.

All for One looked around the silent living room that led into the kitchen space. He couldn't feel anything but the chill in the air. He could remember when he filmed Izuku taking his first steps by the old chair next to the television.

He surveyed the surroundings before activating one of the quirks he got from a while back that he nicknamed 'CopyPrint'. It allowed for any object, picture, or paper to be copied exactly. Although it did not work for any living object or quirk. He was unapologetic from stealing the quirk from some man that used it to sell unsanitary things.

He walked up to a shelf in the kitchen to use his quirk on Inko's personal cookbook filled with some of her own recipes along with her favorite ones. While his quirk was being used on Inko's cookbook, All for One traveled inside Izuku's room to get anything that he knew that the young child couldn't be without.

He got Izuku's red suitcase from the top of the closet to pack away some of his clothes. All for One picked up anything that he knew that Izuku would like and want to keep. He collected a few notebooks that had 'Hero analysis' written on the front because they seem well used, so Izuku must have a lot of love for them. He begrudgingly put an All Might plush under his arm since he knew that his son seemed to have a favorite hero since his room was covered by their smiling face.

After packing his son's suitcase, he slipped in a copy of his wife's cookbook into the front pocket to keep that part of her with him. And with a heavy heart, he finally opened the door to his wife's bedroom.

The bedroom was like it was before he left them to follow his ultimate dream of a new society. He looked on the wall to see family pictures that he automatically copied straight away with his quirk. He grew more solemn when he had to copy down two whole photo albums from her closet. All for One didn't allow the tears to fall, sniffling as he looked at his wife's old clothes. He picked up one of her favorites necklaces that he had given her, a simple chain with a teardrop-shaped emerald. He placed it in her pocket glancing at each object in the room. The whole room smelled like her, reminding him of her when she was alive.

He met her only a few years ago, less than ten years ago. And he fell in love with her brilliant mind and caring personality. She wasn't afraid to have any sort of debate with him on certain topics dealing with the world. She spoke her opinion on things and listened intently to whatever he had to say. Inko was the perfect balance for him. And he once believed that he could have just dropped his villainous plan, but All for One was needed more at the time than Hisashi was.

And he was regretting that he had ever left his family behind as Hisashi. If he hadn't left, Inko would still be here because he would have protected her. But if he had stayed, then a lot of things would have changed.

After copying all the sentimental pictures filled with heartfelt memories, he stepped back into the living room. He made sure that the apartment looked mostly the same before he came in just in case the Bakugo family came here again. He knew that the young Bakugo child that Izuku had play dates with would most likely take some of his own son's All Might stuff.

All for One finally let one tear escape from his eyes once he looked back. He could remember each moment from the time they moved in, the time they brought Izuku home from the hospital to the final memory of him leaving them with the lie of working overseas.

"I failed to protect you two the first time. But I promise that no further harm will come to Izuku under my watch. I promise, Inko. I won't let you two down again," Hisashi promised before locking the door to his old memories.

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