AFO Aftermath

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A lot of time has passed since Sensei got hurt. He never comes in person to the bar anymore and continues their training sessions over a television with him hooked up to many wires on the screen.

The doctor says he may not make a full recovery despite the many healing quirks he had. Kurogiri visits Sensei's home each day to make sure everything is okay.

And ever since Sensei got hurt, Tomura doesn't have time to play games anymore as much as he used to.

He is always tense during training and focuses on everything he does wrong.

Izuku will try and set up a game night where the two brothers could relax with each other as company after a long day of training. But then Tomura will come out of the training room later than expected and tell Kurogiri to warp him to a specific location. A different location each time.

Tomura had started to act differently around him, shorter interactions and smaller responses. Normally when Izuku asked about the new game coming out, Tomura would go into depth about what he thinks of it or what he knows about the series it came from. But when he asked about the newest game that got announced, Tomura just shrugged and said that he didn't know about it.

Tomura spent more and more time away, so much that it felt like Izuku was living with a stranger instead of his family. The only one that Tomura paid attention to was Ash nowadays.

Ash provided Izuku some comfort with cuddles while he laid down on the couch after a training session with grandpa guiding the two of them.

Kurogiri noticed how his mood was down when he went to say goodnight to him. He paused outside the door before excusing himself to go in. To lighten the mood, he started to read a bedtime story that Izuku had enjoyed when he had just started to stay at the bar.

After he was finished, he noticed how content Izuku looked with Ash curled up behind his back, purring as she slept on his covers.

"Night, Giri," Midoriya yawned into his pillow, mumbling into the softness. "Love you."

Kurogiri's yellow eyes crinkled against the purple smoke around him. "Goodnight, Izuku. Sweet dreams."


After that night, Kurogiri began to notice how Midoriya was feeling. So he decided that he was going to try and help him take his mind off what was bringing him down, he knew it had something to do with how Tomura was acting lately.

"Midoriya," Kurogiri started right as he finished wiping off the bar table. "I have decided for you to become my own apprentice as a bartender and supporting role member."

Izuku lifted his head from where it rested on his hands. He was leaning against the bar table when Kurogiri had just declared that out of nowhere. "What do I need to do to start?"

Kurogiri folded his cleaning rag and placed it on the counter, "Well, firstly, I will find appropriate clothes for you to wear when you either take over my role or join me behind this bar. But you are still young, so I have time to find the perfect tailored uniform for you."

"I have to wear a suit too?" Izuku asked, analyzing the suit that Kurogiri had on. He slowly walked over to the couch to rest on the old leathery seat that smelled faintly of whiskey and smoke.

"It is very respectable to wear a suit in this profession. And this uniform causes people to loosen their guard around the bar," Kurogiri explained, straightening out the cuffs of his sleeves. "It serves a purpose to make this place seem like an actual underground bar instead of a secret hideout."

"And once I start your official training, I will tell you everything about my supporting role with young Tomura and Master Shigaraki," Kurogiri said. "But before I do any of that, there is much more for you to learn about."

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